Sequential Threads of Doom...oom...oom!

From New Threads:

**What’s the stupidest statement someone around you has made
Vegemite Is Now BANNED In America! **

Of course that’s stupid. You can still get Vegemite as long as it’s in a container of four ounces or less!

**Dogs love pumpkin
So How Did our Dogs Learn To Manipulate Us? **

Such is their love of pumpkins that the manipulating to get it came naturally.

** White Elephant?

Could you keep your grubby mitts off my lunch? And your teeth, too? **

The high price of ammo
How would you handle this (neighbor problem)?

::sidles nonchalantly out of thread::

**Books from your childhood that hold up well
Should Sulu be gay? **

** What’s the stupidest statement someone around you has made?
I predict that there will be a 6 or 7 blade razor **

** Why is this total stranger in my bathroon at 3 in the morning?
Detroit man arrested after erotic pursuit of mannequins **

He’s hiding with the manequin in your bathroom at 3 in the morning

In GQ:

Question for scholar of Judaism – very specific
Pork Ramen Endangered?

I don’t think someone is clear on the concept…

**Vegemite Is Now BANNED In America!

Marmite ad banned from kids’ TV after parents complain of terror and nightmares
They’re banning the --mites!

**Detroit man arrested after erotic pursuit of mannequins

Being An Adult Sucks Sometimes


Why the hell would any woman want NuvaRing?
Trying new things on first dates

**How many practising Catholics are there here?
What were/are your favorite drinking games?
Kinks in sex **

I can see clearly now, the LASIK’s done
How many of you are there?

Sounds like it didn’t work so well, after all.

**Being An Adult Sucks Sometimes

Please don’t phone my testicles.


Being an adult male sucks, anyway…

**Need to find a “healthy pill” for my child…

Being An Adult Sucks Sometimes

My first drug test.


I see getting a lot of mileage out of that “Adult Sucks” thread title.

MPSIMS hits a quadruple home run:

**Happy/Merry HalloThanksMas The MMP
Come again? (Things you’ve misheard)
False Religion is Coming to an End!
What’s the stupidest statement someone around you has made? **

Zombie Walk at Monroeville Mall!
I woke up half deaf today. **

Explains itself

Has a dream ever helped you?
She gave me a straw…


** Wikipedia on 0.999… = 1
False Religion is Coming to an End! **

**Happy/Merry HalloThanksMas The MMP
False Religion is Coming to an End!
Make up new saints

From the Pit:

The Internet Explorer 7 interface is horrendous
We Are So FUCKING Doomed!


Who is going to be the most effective sentor/congressman?
Examples of career change needed.