Series you've recently watched, are now watching or have given up on

Agreed~just the thing of a winter’s evening.

You shoot just one dog… :slight_smile:

There were two characters (three if you count the future Ygritte) that were written out in that way and I think in each case, the actor/actress wanted to move on to greener pastures. Not to take away from it being completely ridiculously melodramatic by the end but it wasn’t really an artistic choice from the producer/director/writers.

Think I’ll hit this one up when I get bored with Yellowstone.

I tried going back to The Mandalorian, but it just seems infantile to me. I don’t get the love for it.

I just did a repeated Get Shorty retrospective. I began by rereading the Elmore Leonard novel, then I rewatched the movie movie Get Shorty in which John Travolta played Chili Palmer. (I also rewatched Be Cool to be complete)

Then I rewatched the Get Shorty series, three seasons. I recommend it highly.

ETA: there are a few nods to the original movie in the series. At a movie studio the guard can be heard to say, “hello, Mr Palmer” for example.

I’m about 3 episodes in to Vienna Blood on Amazon Prime and I’m really enjoying it. Highly recommend.

Just finished Lost In Space on Netflix, which concluded this season. It was genuinely really good! I know a lot of folk struggled with the unlikely disasters they were constantly dealing with, but that’s an adventure show for you. And sure the kids seemed a bit much to take sometimes, but their acting was in fact outstanding. Mina Sundwall as Penny was a standout for me, but Taylor Russell’s Judy was really impressive too.

They did a great job of reinventing the original series concept into something contemporary, a lot better than the embarrassing 90s movie, and it built to a satisfying conclusion that really put each character into situations that tested their characters, with some surprising twists along the way. And the visuals were nothing short of spectacular, cinema quality throughout.

Now it’s finished, I recommend it for those looking for a family-friendly adventure serial to binge.

We finished Get Back last night (Peter Jackson’s docu on The Beatles). The creative process was fascinating, as was the obvious affection they had for each other, despite their differences.

We are watching Hannah season 3. We had to re-watch the ending of last season to refresh our memories. So far, we’re enjoying it.

We just watched Amphibia and Inside Job with the kids. Amphibia seems to be aimed at a younger audience, but we enjoyed it. Inside Job is much more adult in its humor, and its themes are relevant to current events.Of the two, I’d recommend Inside Job, but both are definitely watchable.

Thought I’d contributed here but couldn’t find my name in a search. Ah well. I got a Roku and subscribed to Amazon Prime about a year ago, so I’ve been marathoning a lot over the past twelve months.

Supernatural and Smallville. Never watched them first time around, and I’m alternating, season of one, season of the other. Just finished season 10 of Supernatural, so I’m 2/3 of the way through and mostly digging it, though it’s definitely become one big blur at this point. What season was it when the brother lost his soul? Did the angels fall this season or last? How did they squeeze so many years of locations out of the general Vancouver area? Is the Hunter community as red-state MAGA-y as I feel like it would be?

As for Smallville, I’m finding it interesting because I’m a big Arrowverse fan and to see the same characters in totally different incarnations, everyone from Oliver Queen to Amanda Waller, is kind of fascinating. Was not a fan of Clark/Lana (the much cooler Chloe is right there, Clark!) but Lois is a breath of fresh air. Glad to be in the home stretch, though.

Two seasons in to Sons of Anarchy. Liking it a lot. Realizing that you really can make a good TV show about any subject if the performances are good enough.

Three seasons in to American Horror Story. Like a lot of FX shows, I’m finding it’s about 15% longer than it needs to be. But I’m enjoying it, and really looking forward to some of the later seasons.

Finishing up Lucifer, which is really a hate-watch at this point. The final run of eps is utterly terrible, but I’ve watched it so far…

It kind of loses it’s way past Season 5, retreading the same old stuff without the humour, which was what made it different. Around Season 12 the humour kind of comes back a bit, but never quite in the amount which made it very good in the first five seasons.

They never really express political opinions, but the hunting is usually rural US, I’m not sure if they mention Vancouver at all, but it might be used for all that rural area they visit, it seems mostly green so less desert of Nevada/Utah/New Mexico. They did occasionally mention some small place we’ve visited, like Grand Junction, and we did wonder if there really was a strip club of the same name in the real GJ.

But apparently it was the most popular show amongst Republican viewers, it’s clear unambiguous moral code, and in effect good and evil christianity riffing seemed to work for them.

One thing to say, is that it pumping the Angels vs Demons stories, it sort of stole and ate the lunch of Hellblazer/Constantine and Preacher, which pretty much started the whole genre (along with Sandman).

Walk away now. It goes major downhill Season 3, and went from an interesting biker crime show to a cartoon where they outwit all the organised crime in a thousand miles.

We’re almost done with the first season of For All Mankind on Apple TV. Without giving too much away, the premise is “what if the Space Race didn’t end with Apollo 11?” I’m a huge fan of docudramas like The Right Stuff, Apollo 13, and HBO’s From the Earth to the Moon but the major dramatic weakness of those is that you already know how they are going to end. This show solves that problem admirably. Another fascinating thing about this show is that half the characters in this alternate history are actual historical figures and they aren’t always portrayed in a positive light. I keep wondering what the families of these people think about the way their (often recently) departed loved ones are being portrayed in scenarios that never actually happened. Some, like Buzz Aldrin, are still alive and it’s going to be weird if that character (who becomes chief of the Astronaut Office) “screws the pooch”.

Showing up late to the party, I’m currently watching Rick and Morty. It’s darker than I expected but it’s as funny as I’d heard. I don’t really have much to add that hasn’t already said.

Just remembered Little Britain. Laughing-out-loud good.

Little Britain was apparently removed from Netflix and Britbox because of blackface portrayals.

It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the show, and I don’t remember the blackface. I do remember it’s not politically correct.

I binged Little Britain about ten years ago. I thought it was the funniest thing I ever watched, but they started revisiting the same characters and premises a bit too frequently until it was just a series of catch phrases (“Computer says no.” “I’m the only gay in the village.” “No but, yeah but"…)

After listening to my English daughter in law and my son prattle on about “Gavin and Stacey” for years, I gave it a try yesterday. I made it through about ten minutes of the first episode and gave it a hard “Nope!”

I watched the whole show and I can see that it might not appeal to everyone. Some of the humor, I think, is in the personalities of the various friends and family members.