Seriously, don't kill yourself

In the Pit because I live here.

Seriously, don’t kill yourself. That’s what we say. That’s what we’re supposed to say.

When I was suicidal, hearing that didn’t matter, because I knew that’s just what we’re supposed to say. You know what helped me? Finding out that a friend of mine had actually sat with a gun pointed at his head once, then decided, “Screw it, I’m just going to live my life as I want.” And for years after that, remembering it made a difference. I can’t expect to be that friend for somebody on a message board that doesn’t know me, but there it is.

“Seriously, don’t kill yourself. Life is too precious.”

Is it? Is it really? Human life is cheaper now than it’s ever been. Cheaper right…now than when I started this post. One thing that is not scarce is human beings. And guess what? We all die eventually. The argument is not persuasive on its face.

Over the last few years I’ve been through enough death to be more inured to it than I used to be. I’ve seen quick death, slow death, sudden unexplained death, mysterious death, nigh-unavoidable death. And sometimes we save one life by losing another.

What’s funny to me is that I* used* to think a lot about killing myself, and sometimes other people, before going through most of that. The dread of the future made me lash out in fear. Death was imaginary, hypothetical, a fantasy, back then.

You know when I stopped thinking about killing myself* all the time?* When I went to the bridge, saying to myself, “I’m going to do it, I’m going to jump this time.”

And then I didn’t. Actually facing it, I realized that I really didn’t want to. It’s been about ten years now, & I don’t remember it all clearly. But I had to face it myself. I had to change my plans when my plans didn’t fit my desires anymore.

Your results will vary. Maybe in that moment you’ll do it. But you have to do what you have to, or want to, or need to do, and find that for yourself.

Oh, please! Just walking around thinking about killing yourself, maybe also your family, all the time, is misery. Negative utility, it is; life as pain.

I’m still broken. I still dream of carnage and cold merciless revenge. I will probably always have that grim aspect, somewhere in the rest of me. Your results will vary on that, too.

If you go and poison yourself, I’ll get blamed, I’ll get banned.

But you know what? I’m not going to apologize for saying, “Yep, life is cheap.”

Your life is cheap. So’s mine. So are the lives of every dipshit who tells you, “Hey, faggot, go ahead and end it.”

But what you shouldn’t do is let those other people–those dipshits–define you. What you shouldn’t do is kill yourself because I or any other person to whom you mean less than nothing despises or hates you.

Because everybody is hated, everybody is despised, by somebody. Yep, even newborn babies are hated by somebody. But their opinions do not define reality. You have as much right to define *your response to *reality as anyone else.

You get to fight for what you want in the world.

But you have to make a mark on the world to do that. And just dying doesn’t do that.

Oh, entirely by coincidence, I ran across this on tumblr:[

]( linking the original post because I don’t want to help anyone go to that teeny’s blog and rain on their parade. I’m a depressive, I know how we can get!
I thought it was cute.

Here’s a link to the related thread:

You’re goddamn right it is. When you die, you’re done. There is no heaven, no hell, no afterlife, no nothing. There is beauty in this world outside your own selfish perceptions. If the only life you will ever have doesn’t mean more to you than that, then fuck you.

And yes, I’ve been there.

It’s true that there’s almost nothing useful you can say online to someone who is depressed and possibly suicidal; when you’re in that state, you don’t want useful suggestions.

But seriously, “go ahead! take someone else out with you!” is fucked up. Maybe you can’t help, but you shouldn’t goad.

Life is in no way cheap. People fight for a few more days, more hours on the earth everyday. If it were so cheap, they would just let it slip away.

The reality is that being depressed is AWFUL. It clouds your mind and makes you feel worthless (which no one really is).

Moved to MPSIMS.

(meant to be a pm)

People are conditioned to say, “Don’t kill yourself!” reflexively because they’re scared of the unknown. Like you discovered with your friend, I’ve gotten some really great advice from people that had been suicidal in the past, because they Get It. The advice of anyone who had never been suicidal was never really much help to me.

But the reason I told **Foggy **not to kill himself is because I don’t think he really wants to die. I have listened to people before who have objectively terrible lives and thought, if I had that problem I would want to kill myself too. But his situation isn’t like that–at least that’s not how it seems to me.

/shrug. We’re all just human or whatever.

I often think about it, but I think Chesterton had the right idea.

You can always kill yourself tomorrow; you can’t unkill yourself today.

There are some links on Psych Central. You may want to email someone. You could also try a message board geared for this sort of thing.

I hope you feel better. I sincerely do.

No…you…are totally overstepping. That’s uncalled for.

DAMN IT. Wrong thread.

Among everything else, there isn’t any “good way” to kill oneself. I don’t want to fall from a great height, or drown, or suffocate, or stab myself… (Obligatory shout out to the famous Dorothy Parker poem.)

(And, please, for fuck’s sake, don’t say, “Oh, yes, there is a perfect recipe of drugs and gases that makes it all go away painlessly…” To begin with, I don’t believe it, and even if it’s true, I don’t want to know about it!)

The fact is, depression is butt-ugly. It screws with everything you think; it screws with what you are. Living with depression is like playing golf with forty-pound wrist weights. You can do it. It’s even better than not doing it! It just takes much of the fun out of it.

Good luck to EVERYONE in this thread, depressed or not.

By the way, a doctor I know suggested taking a shower, either quite hot, or quite cold, as a way to sort of “resent” one’s mental state. When you reach a kind of crisis, that kind of intense physical stimulus can be productively distracting. Plus, you get clean, too! Win for everyone…

(She also said that an orgasm is a good physical distraction from a crisis of depression. And, again, what harm?)

There are so many different levels of such thoughts, and nuances beyond anyone’s comprehension, especially in a text only medium such as this. People range from the ones who have tried several times and just didn’t succeed, to the ones that think about it a lot and would never in a million years go through with it. I just don’t get the “here’s how you do it right” posts.

I get that an unsuccessful attempt can lead to a life far worse than it previously was, but why load and cock a gun for someone who may not ever get to that eventuality?

When I was thinking about it almost non-stop every day, I could have listed 50 really fast and effective ways to do it. Open or closed coffin, I had both covered and then some. Someone who makes said feelings public on a message board isn’t asking for tips on how to do it. Any idiot can jump off a very tall structure and have a high chance of success.

I’m really glad that the incessant feeling I had then eventually dissolved. I would have bet anything that they’d haunt me the rest of my life, but I was wrong. Coincidentally, this was all happening right at the same time I joined here. I didn’t post a thread about it myself, because I wasn’t looking for advice, and I knew damn well how to do it if I was actually going to.

I understand and support euthanasia for 90 some year old vegetables or people who only know pain, but we’re talking about someone who came forward looking for answers. The answer they were looking for certainly isn’t “how can I most efficiently kill myself”, yet some have taken it upon themselves to answer this unspoken question. She wants to talk about feelings, not about how to kill herself.

Here is the OP in it’s entirety:

Hmmm…yeah, I can see that I overstepped. I didn’t really mean it as “Fuck you, go ahead and do it.” It was rather a more casual, Pittish “fuck you.”

Sorry about that.

I don’t really have any problem with people for whom life is unbearable. There are numerous things which allow me to escape reality legally. My lowest points are probably peaks for some people out there. I do have a problem with an ideology which states “this world is torment, continue contra mundum”. I do have a problem with the dipshits on 4chan encouraging suicide though.

Hmf, foggy’s thread about suicide has vanished from the boards, along with my 2 posts worth of advice. Yeah I grasp why, but some of those posts could have been moved here.

This. Haters gonna hate. I just wanted to bump this thread just because of this sentence.

Sometimes the only thing keeping me from killing myself is the knowledge that my continued existence really pisses some people off.