So, at the golf tournament this week, after Tiger outdrove his opponent, he handed him a tampon.
I’ve never made any effort to hide my dislike for the guy, but seriously? This asshole makes a practice of carrying tampons around with him on the course so he can pul one out and be hysterically funny when he outdrives an opponent? Or maybe he’s looking for a new endorsement deal.
On his way to shooting a 74 and making the cut on the number. Boy I wish the press would stop giving this jerk so much attention and that he’d just go away.
How much of an asshole does someone who is post-pubescent have to be to think a tampon joke in public is in anyway appropriate?
Probably that it implies that the opponent is female; and therefore supposed to be insulted, because of course women are Lesser than Men and any man should be insulted to be referred to as female.
Yeah - I’ve played w/ plenty of “unenlightened” golfers. Not exactly in short supply on most golf courses. But I couldn’t imagine this happening on a local muni or at a private club.
This moron stocks up on tampons, to pull one our at a prestigious tourney, with the cameras rolling. He is the father of 2 kids, and the PGA is supposedly all concerned with “image.”
Tampons used like that are an especially nasty type of misogyny because it is not just “you’re a girl, and they are weak”, it’s also “you’re are girl and they are all bleedy and gross”.
I never had much of a beef with Tiger, and I never followed him or golf very closely. I knew he was very good at the game, and has had his share (and then some) of personal issues. However, I agree with your conclusion (and others here). That’s immature, offensive, misogynistic, and not funny. I cannot fathom being at his level of fame and fortune and be so utterly classless.
Misogyny? I get the coldness, the snippiness, the self-destructive behavior, the political blank slate, but where did this misogyny come from? He had one somewhat messy divorce and that was it.
I’m no expert, but I’d suggest the sex addiction, strip club frequenting, and serial infidelity were not great correlates for a high respect for women.
I don’t know why it would surprise me that a pro golfer turns out to be an ignorant, immature lunkhead jerk. The guy’s a billionaire - but I guess money can’t buy class.
I am not DKW and cannot speak for them etc., but my impression of their meaning, in the post you replied to, is that they’re wondering what it was in Woods’s background that produced his seemingly-out-of-left-field misogynistic mindset.
Not asking why the action of a male athlete handing a tampon to an outperformed male competitor is being described as misogynistic. Unless I’m mistaken, we all get that part.
I remember years ago hearing stories about how he was socially stunted and juvenile. When I heard this story I shrugged, thinking it was merely more of the same from him.
For example, I put the odds at around 0% that this is the first time he’s done this tampon joke.
Yup. It’s a tired old long-running golf joke that probably takes place a couple times a week at the local municipal course. Golf has long been a mainstay of the gold ole boys’ network, and the fact that the course itself is designed to draw attention to the physical differences between women and men certainly doesn’t help.
Tiger gets negative points for pulling a dumb prank on national television. He gets even more demerits for pulling a prank so stale and tired.