And concentrate on “Family Guy”!
What’s the diff, really?
He works for the CIA? But still fucks up a la Peter???
It’s lame. Sorry, it just is.
Cool Walter Murphy music, but stay with the “Guy”
And concentrate on “Family Guy”!
What’s the diff, really?
He works for the CIA? But still fucks up a la Peter???
It’s lame. Sorry, it just is.
Cool Walter Murphy music, but stay with the “Guy”
American Dad is about 1000x superior to Family Guy, which has become an unfunny abomination. I wish they’d cancel FG for real and give American Dad at least another 5 seasons.
I must agree that Family Guy seems to have run its course. I like American Dad better these days. Maybe Stewie and Brian could be transfered over once in a while. That’d be cool.
Yeah, well, okay… Brian’s tried to screw Lois, and Stewie got Brian to eat the shit out of his diaper and then his vomit…
Yeah okay, I’m wide open. What else ya 2 got (and I DO watch AD!;))?
See how easy I am???
I shocked that you would tell such a filthy lie, Pep. AD is TEN THOUSAND times better than FG, not one thousand.
You GUYS!!!;)
I chuckle at you, furiously!
The Quagmire Show!
How about "The Brian and Stewie Show. A different road show every week!
The Roger Show!
The man makes three shows, and you want him to keep making the shitty one? AD took awhile to hit its stride, but I’ve often enjoyed it more than FG. Especially the political episodes; AD is a satire, FG likes to pound their message into your head, often via Brian.
It’s all about Roger, he’s the only reason I still watch.
Cleveland is by far the most disposable of the three.
Yup. He cracks my shit up. Though, in fairness, Claus is pretty funny, too.
You really can’t compare the two though. They are two very different shows, they just have the same creator and are drawn the same.
Family Guy’s comedy is more with the cutaways and pop culture jokes and the shock factor jokes. American Dad is actual written comedy that is the satire of the “True blue 100% America Fuck Yeah!” guy.
“Haley, these Chocodiles, Oh my God. These Chocodiles, Oh my God. Oh my God, Haley, these Chocodiles.”
I like them all. They are all very different shows, just with the same drawing. The Cleveland show is the best IMO.
The strength of American Dad is that it’s open to political humor as well as the family-based humor. American Dad also has more workplace humor but that’s only in contrast to its almost complete absense in MacFarlane’s other shows.
The Cleveland Show is the one I see as the most disposable. MacFarlane’s already got two series for family jokes - why does he need a third? The only new thing The Cleveland Show seems to offer is an opportunity for racial humor but that hasn’t been a significant source of stories.
Definately. I was hoping that MacFarlane would use Cleveland as a spoof of the Obamas the same way he used American Dad to send up GW Bush and the Republicans.
He doesn’t fuck up a la Peter. Stan is smarter, more mature, and saner than Peter. When Stan fucks up, it’s because he’s got an obsessive need for order and control, and he’s either in a situation that’s out of control, or a situation where he’s afraid he’s losing control, so he overreacts, oftentimes making the problem worse, because he’s unable to empathize with other people or understand or care that they have beliefs and desires different from his.
Peter is just dumb and completely ruled by his impulses.
In other words, Peter = retard (literally, apparently); Stan = asshole.