Sex: with or without love??

Is it possible to enjoy sex with someone you don’t love?


Is this a trick question? It’s actually possibly to enjoy sex with MULTIPLE people that you don’t love!

I’m going to go with yes here. It’s a little work, but it’s possible to divorce the person you’re with from the friction they’re creating.

Sex is Sex, and Love is Love. You can have Sex with someone you Love, and it makes it better, but Sex is still Sex (Sex being like a vacation - a bad vacation is still a vacation…)

punk snot dead,

Love is irrelevant. The only questions regarding sex left unanswered are those concerning the use of bagels.

I’ve already assembled a team to investigate.

…and again, it all comes back to the butter, Tymp…

Simultaneously, no less!!

Egad, Egad! Surely you jest! such a thing is… just… inconcieveable!

punk snot dead,

I do not think that means what you think it means.

But seriously, it is possible to enjoy sex without love, but love adds a whole 'nother level.

Is it possible to enjoy sex with someone you don’t love? What’s your opionin Elgur? Don’t be shy.
Most of the people here have sex before they know the person well, so yes, of course,it is possible, as a matter of fact, it happens all the time. Look at those one night stands, premartial sex, etc.

However, your question is lost on the majority because NO ONE here has the same definition of ‘love’ so your question is almost meaningless.

Perhaps we don’t all share a single definition of love, handy, but I thing the majority of us have a concept of love and some experience with it. We know when we are in love, no matter how we define that, and we know when we are not. Therefore, the question is not meaningless as you suggest. Easily answered, but not meaningless.

Alright. Who switched the ‘g’ and ‘k’ on my keyboard? C’mon, ‘fess up ya punk!

Tymp, I had to read through your post 4 times to find the mistake.

Anyway, IMHO sex is better when you love the person, though I’ve never had sex with someone I didn’t love, so maybe I should just shut up.

After a few decades of experience and practice, I have a pretty good idea how to end up playing yummy frictions with someone when we’re in love with each other. But I’ve never figured out how to hook up sexually with someone just for sex, although I’m aware that it is done…

“Hello, there, excuse me…”
“Lately I’ve been thinking that I should try casual sex with someone I don’t know, where the attraction is purely physical. Um, which brings up why it is that I’m speaking to you. Well, you see, I saw you over here and thought to myself that you are very attractive and all, and I was wondering if you’d like to skip the part about getting to know me better, and…”


“Hello Nadine”
::glares at me:: “Yes? What is it this time?”
“No, it’s nothing about payroll errors or screwups on my health insurance this time, relax.”
“Well?” ::stares at the polish on her fingernails::
“Um, lately I’ve been thinking…”
“Is this gonna take long? I’ve got a lot of stuff I gotta do”
“Well, um, I was thinking I should try casual sex with someone where maybe we know each other but we’re not in love, and, uh, would you like to get laid? With me, I mean?”
“I don’t think that’s funny”
“Don’t worry, I promise not to bring it up again, insofar as that would be in violation of our sexual harassment policy, that is, assuming your reply was in the negative?”


You know, you can have sex with someone that you already *know[/] whom you don’t love. It doesn’t have to be a complete stranger or even a mere acquaintance.

Also, I’ve seen a couple references to how sex is always better with someone you love. I don’t think this is necessarily true. Different, yes. Always better, I’m not so sure.

This is how I imagined my sex-w/o-love singles ad.
Single Guy ISO recreational sex partner. race unimportant, gender unimportant. Must be 19 years old and able to put your legs behind your head. Also helpful if you can run a 35 minute 10K or can similarly demonstrate extraordinary cardiovascular fitness. I should be able to grate cheese on your abs. My interests include hiking, biking, reading and dining out but we won’t be doing or discussing any of that. Your interests are also unimportant to me. Must have own apartment and clean sheets. I’ll bring the Power Bars and electrolyte replenishing fluids.

Yes… I’ve done so on many the occasion. However, I enjoy it much more if I love the person I’m with.

Scotti weighing in with her humble opinion.

I do not believe that sex is a sport, although I understand that many people believe this. And, I support their right to feel this way.

For me, the answer is no.

I believe that making love is making love, and that having sex is not conducive to happiness.

But hey, I don’t know much about anything atm, so just put me on ignore, okay?


While it is definately possible, I dont recommend doing it for an extended period of time. I had a friend that I occasionally fooled around with for about a year and a half… and while I must admit, we had the most passionate, intense, wonderful sex that Ive ever been privvy to, in the long run, it took its toll and I became emotionally attached. (apparently, so did he, but he didnt bother to say anything until I was already involved in a new relationship… whole nother post in itself)

So its possible, but its risky.