Do you find you have a hard time remembering doing the Le Mambo Horizontal?
I figure I’ve done it several hundred times, but I’ll be damned if I can remember more than 5-10 of those occasions.
As a male, I can see a darwinistic reasoning for this: “Grunt. Ogg can’t remember last time Ogg got lucky…better grab club and find some entertainment.”
So, does EVERYONE feel this way? Is it strictly gender based? OR is it just me?
Look at it this way. Imagine something you really like to do that you don’t do often. Maybe, like you said, a couple hundred times.
I pick a really, really nice steak dinner. Now I figure I’ve had a couple dozen really nice steak dinners in my life. But do I remember every one of them? Nope. Only the ones connected to special events like birthdays or graduations.
I don’t see why sex would be any different, aside from it being a lot more fun than dinner.
Unintentionally Blank it’s not just you. I noticed this when (ahem) on the job. It all comes back to me when in action but fades away afterwards.
I blame hormones, you can’t trust the bastards.
I wonder if it’s related to the phenomenon of only remembering stuff you learn when drunk when you are at the same level of pissed-ness, and not when sober?
I have penis amnesia where I don’t remember from one boyfriend to the next who was bigger or smaller or what’s average. Even one guy I remember thinking was small I can’t picture it in my brain or guess how many inches. It’s just the memory of thinking it was small the first time I saw it because he had made a joke how big it was in front of me the week before. I remember the impression that it was funny that he made that joke and it was so not true, but I can’t picture it or think of any way it affected what came next. It’s not like I don’t look at these things. I guess it’s like some people can’t remember faces. I was with someone for 5 years and today I could not guess in inches how big he was or whether he was big or small. Which is why I always think guys are crazy to even think about it.
For acts of sex I remember a lot but not everything. My first few times are burned into my brain and the last few times are clear but the rest is a highlight reel.
You DO realise how badly this comment will affect the herbal suppliment Penis Growth market?
tangentially, I just realised how appropriate the :wally emoticon is to this thread. (preview: humph, the wally ‘putz’ smilie didn’t make it through the transition.)
I can remember a lot of them, and the idiosyncracies of each specific partner, but they blend into “early in the relationship,” “mid-period, when we were comfortable with each other,” “end-period,” etc. Plus the truly memorable ones (such as the time I fractured my nose, the time I cracked his ribs, the time I wound up with my head wedged between the couch and the bookcase…).
But I couldn’t go back and say, “Yes, that was my 475th experience with intercourse.”
There is that whole thing about short term versus long term memory too…assuming you are in the habit of rolling over and going to sleep afterwards. One kind of memory is chemical the other electrical or some such, and if you fall asleep the short term stuff doesn’t get translated into long term memory.
There is a thread around here somewhere about this issue, but…where did they put the search function on this new board format?