Shall We Discuss Peanut Butter? And, p'raps Jelly? Yes. We Shall.

I’m not sure if fat sex slaves is what she has in mind. And if you’re in this thread, I doubt you’re in good enough shape to qualify. :stuck_out_tongue:

And why not? My bedtime snack, most nights, is PB straight from the jar. That was true even when I was on a diet, losing 20 pounds, a couple years back.

The key thing, if you want to eat lots of peanut butter and lose weight too, is eat the natural kind. Without the added sugar and oils, it’s really pretty good for you. But regular old Jif and Skippy and Peter Pan and the store brands too - they’re all fat pills. All that added sugar, corn syrup, and stuff is what makes the difference, what takes a healthy food and makes it unhealthy.

Tell me that you dig it out with your fingers, too.

I like to grate carrots or apples very finely and put them in the middle of the sandwich. The bread is fresh whole wheat, the jam is any Polaner all fruit spread, and the peanut butter has been freshly made only minutes before. The crunch and sweetness of the carrot or apple really sets off the peanut butter and jam.

sigh Nothing worse than craving salty, peanuty goodness with a touch of sweet, only to discover that your bread has grown mold and the cafeteria is already closed for the night. :frowning:

(I ended up shovelling spoonfuls of peanut butter straight out of the jar, drizzling the spoon with honey, and consuming it like that. My roommate walked in mid-mouthful and looked at me as if I’d gone utterly insane.)

My wife doesn’t like PB either. Fine, it leaves more for me, even if she is strange. Her mother is worse off: she loves PB and is allergic! I hear that before the allergy showed up, she used to dip grapes in her PB. I’ll have to try that.

And DeVena, I did have to have PB for lunch, with dill pickles on multi-grain bread.

Okay, look. What is with the pickles and PB thing???

-grin- Actually, I wanna print out this thread once it slows down and TASTE all of the different flavors mentioned here. Except for Fluffernutters. I’ve had those. Man, talk about a One Way ticket to Diabetesville.

A couple of years ago, my unit at work all got together for a kindergarten lunch. PB&J and fluffernutter sandwiches, “ants on a log” (celery stuffed with peanut butter and topped with raisins), carrot sticks, applesauce, potato chips, and milk. We were sick all afternoon.

It was my first and last fluffernutter. blech too sweet.

  1. Natural PB, chunkier the better. If the ingredient list is longer than “peanuts, salt”, it’s too nasty.
  2. Honey. Local farm-grown is better than any national brand, and that made-in-a-factory honey-like-substance which they now sell ought to be illegal.
  3. Sourdough white bread. Although french- or italian-style white can do in a pinch. Wheat’s tolerable, but just not quite right. I love rye for any other sammich, but rye doesn’t go with PB at all.

Use a layer of PB as thick as a 1 bread slice and about 2 tablespoons of honey.

Eat it over the sink with your sleeves rolled up since honey will be dripping everywhere. It helps that sourdouch loaves are usually bigger than the typical white bread squares. The race is to get it eaten before the honey soaks the top bread slice into mush.

Good quality preserves are a distant second to the honey, but no strawberry or grape, nor Smuckers nor Welch’s; that crap’s for kids, along with that vile corn syrup-laden JIF.

Ah, now this, this is the question of the century. Perhaps the decade.

Do you put the peanut butter on both slices of bread? I personally believe that you must, it’s the only way to acheive the proper PB to J ratio.

PBJ?!?! Hell yeah!

Bread: Venice Bakery French
PB: Organic Crunchy
Jam: Organic Razzberry

As for my special “special recipe” sandwich…

Venice Bakery French bread (once again)… Organic crunchy peanut butter… honey… and salt and vinegar potato chips.

You’ll see god, I swear.

They go especially well with Chef Boyardee’s Spaghettios. :eek:

Interesting. The PB & J of my childhood is Pathmark ( Philly/Northeast supermarket chain ) Chunky, homemade Spiced Peach Jamm on Liss’s Bakery marbled rye bread. Lightly toasted.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, yes. :slight_smile:

PB&J is for the kiddies.

Whole wheat bread, lightly toasted, 1/8" thick coat of PB on one slice, mayo on other and add enough bread and butter pickel slices to hide the mayo. Place the completed sandwich in toaster over and toast again!

Pure ambrosia substitute!

Kraft crunchy peanut butter.

Usually plain, on toast, white or 12-grain, whatever bread’s in the kitchen at the time.

Sometimes on the second slice of toast, I will add Kraft Raspberry Jam.

I used to like peanut butter and honey, but only when the honey had sat in the cupboard for a while, and got kind of hard and white on top. It sounds gross, but I think it was just the crystals settling out, or the crystallizing setting in. I liked the white, solid honey bits with my peanut butter.

I still have peanut butter toast pretty much every morning for breakfast, along with three mugs of strong tea. Plain toast with a smidge of margarine at times (I am butter-averse, except for baking and sauteeing fresh mushrooms) leaves me hungry by nine, but the solid protein/fat content of the peanut butter holds me nicely 'til noon.

Then there’s the jar of cashew butter in the fridge. Mm…

Damn it. Food is good.

Lately I’ve been having open-faced crunchy natural PB and Blackberry jam on seven-grain toast. It almost seems healthy. Healthy enough to eat at least two at a time, anyway. :slight_smile:

I hate bananas, but peanut butter somehow makes them acceptable. I also love PB and honey (with butter if I’m feeling naughty.)

I have been a lurker on these boards for some time now. Nothing has yet moved me to post like this thread. I have been a closet Peanut Butter and mustard eater for 30 years. I can now come out and tell people! If available I add some chopped onions too. The type of mustard has a big influence too. Plain yellow for blander occsions; spicy brown for the extra kick. I have added jalepeno slices too (helps the beer go down smoother). Oh, smooth only. Crunchy has never doen it for me ever since my brother insisted that the crunchies were actually dead bugs. I know better now, but what if?

Peter Pan crunchy on white bread. Accept no substitutes, distractions, jelly, jam, honey, etc. Just peanut butter and bread. And for the complete bachelor experience, spread the peanut butter with a plastic knife and prepare the sandwiches on a paper plate. No clean-up!

People who think that Jif and Skippy are interchangeable are quite simply off their collective nuts.

Jif is a gift. Skippy in someone’s cabinet makes me sad for them. Same goes for Peter Pan. It’s Jif or nothing.

And seedless raspberry jam. Bread can vary, but the bottom crust must be cut off and given to the dogs immediately. The top of bread can be eaten but the remaining 2 sides are pup-treats.

The sandwich must be cut on the diagonal. If hubby makes the sandwich, he tends to forget the cut as he prefers to eat it un-cut. I simply cannot abide by that.

Peanut butter mixed with a bit of butter melted and poured over bananas is just dreamy.

[sub]welcome to the world of the de-lurked, by the way![/sub]

PB - Laura Scudders natural – Ingredients: Peanuts, salt.

We just got one of those panini presses (sort of a fancy george foreman grill, I guess). I wonder how a peanut butter and banana would fair in that? Hmmm. Some testing is in order.

(Also, as I teen I loved me some PB and mayo sammiches. But that was then.)