Share the... not Joy, Actually

Saturday I had to go up on the roof of my house. I was not happy about it. When I got up there, I was even less happy still. It was very windy and very cold up there and the problem for which I was sent up to rectify was not readily apparent. If I sleuthed out what was wrong correctly it was all because of outstanding half-assery when they put on the second roof. Why is there an extra gutter up there anyway? Do I care if rainwater sluices down from the one roof onto the other one anyway? No, I do not. Is it just there so the second roof, when it got put on, would jam up right under it and then let water pool until it seeped under some flashing or something and then dripped down into the garage? That’s my guess. We’ll know the next time it rains. Which should be later this week.

So I got down from the roof with nary a fall to my doom, but I was still not happy about being up there. I’m not a big fan of ladders. They are treacherous bastards, all of them. It’s not that I kissed the ground when I got back or anything. That would have just been silly. I decided it would be the best thing all around to pass around my irkdom. So I washed the dogs.

The one dog (my dog Lucy) was sorta stinky. She just got a bath last month or so, but there was an ear infection in that month and her head made her stink all over. But she’s real easy to clean up. A squirt of water, a dab of doggy shampoo, some suds, a quick rinse and a fast toweling and she’s good to go. She’s little and her short straight hairs don’t hold much water.

The other dog (the Little Woman’s dog Nicki) was way stinky. She hasn’t had a bath in a long time. Spring I think. But she can stink more before it isn’t an issue because she’s at that “furniture” stage and doesn’t move the stink around much. And she’s harder to wash. You can’t just pop her in the tub and scrub her down. Well, you could, but that’s just asking for trouble. (And lots of mats.) So I had to brush her out, and then rake out her dead undercoat before she was ready for her bath. Then it was time to pop her into the tub. She’s harder to wash than good ol’ Lucy. First she’s bigger. Second she’s double coated. (Lucy is too sorta, but it’s hard to tell. You have to yank out a clump of her hair and really look at it to find the whispy undercoat. But she really like you to check!) So it’s hard to get the undercoat wet so you can wash her up. The outercoat, especially when it’s dirty and oily, keeps the water out, like it’s supposed to, but it doesn’t help me any. Then once she’s all clean, the undercoat really holds the water, so it takes forever to dry her.

Finally I was done and I had two clean doggies in my house.

Then they ran outside, after lying to me about needing to go potty, to roll in stinky stuff I don’t even want to think about.

Ha! No, they didn’t do that. They took their unhappiness about getting a bath out on the cat. They both went and bit her a little. This irked the cat and she went into my closet and pooped in my shoe. A Circle of Life Moment.

Ha! No, that didn’t happen either. The dogs just took their baths and lived with it. Yeah, getting the dog biscuits afterward made them feel better. That way they didn’t have to pass on the unpleasantness. I don’t know how they do that.

On the upside I winterized the lawnmower and put it away this weekend. Now, no matter what happens, I can’t mow again til Spring. It’s out of my hands and there’s nothing I can do. So grow grass grow! I don’t care! Of course it’s getting freezy and the grass doesn’t look like it’s going to be growing much anytime soon. But if it does, I don’t have to mow. So there’s that.

First reply to a MMP! Yippeee!!!

I bathed my dog this weekend, too, but he’s a miniature schnauzer and tolerates it well, so it wasn’t really a big deal.

Ok, well, he’s actually the WIFE’S dog - I wouldn’t have a min. schnauzer 'cuz I’m a “real” man…I like great danes and st. bernards and such…

Rue maybe if you had gotten the human equivalent of a dog biscuit you wouldn’t have wanted to take your irksomeness out on the dogs. But, what the hey, they needed a bath so it’s all good. I’ll let you MMPers decide what the human equivalent to a dog biscuit is. Discuss amongst yerselves.

I didn’t get to clean off my back porch on Saturday like I planned to. See, it was all yuck outside all day Saturday and Sunday. By yuck I mean cloudy, cool, and misty, so the grass didn’t dry out which meant I couldn’t set stuff outside so I could clean the porch, so I didn’t get it done. Now I gotta hope next Saturday’s weather is good. Instead, I pulled furniture out from the walls all around my house and cleaned behind stuff and dusted baseboards. I think ACBG does not want to hang around me anymore when I start cleaning cause I had him helping me yank out furniture from the wall and puttin’ it back. I offered to do the same for him at his house but I got a feeling he does not consider that to be a priority. Oh well, he got homemade beef stew, homemade biscuits and my idea of the human equivalent of a dog biscuit out of it. :smiley: Plus, a couple friends came over Saturday night for supper and we played Pig Out, which is always fun. We’ve discussed Pig Out before so all the regulars should know what that is.

-swampbear (I have the cleanest baseboards in my neighborhood)

My cats usually take out their irksomeness at getting bathed by sitting on my lap when still moist. If you’ve never had a cold, wet, angry cat on your lap you have never known the true joy of cat ownership.

Silly Rue! Rooftops are for reindeer!

Ah ha! My chance to describe my color-coordinated dogs. :smiley: See, alla the doggies that live with me are some variation of the color brown. Well, the pugs got some black on them and the chihuahua has some white sockies and bib but basically, all of the doggies are brownies. What does this have to do with the OP you ask? Well, Sunday I noticed that Simba’s hiney was lookin’ like a bad case of bed head. See, the Princess[sup]TM[/sup] gave Simba a shave back at the beginning of summer cause he’s got one a those double coats, too. We are talking serious undercoat here, folks. Simba would do a llama proud. And now that undercoat is growing back in helter-skelter. So, I got the shedding rake out and went to work on his butt where there’s enough undercoat to create five or six small doggies. Well, that’s what the pile looked like after I used that rake for about a half hour. All that rakin’ also poofed out Simba’s butt undercoat so much that he looks like he might be one of J-Lo’s shirttail relatives. It still looks better than the giant tree sloth look he was sportin’ before.

In other news, Lil Lestat[sup]TM[/sup] located a car that he will give Mr. Anachi and I the honor of purchasing for him. His previous auto that was jacked will probably never be found. It could be worse, I’m sure…I think…oh, well…

Tupug the poorer

Oh, and swampy, my baseboards are all clean, too…and they’re all out in the garage waiting for the stone tile guy to come and put the floor down. We’re on the list. :rolleyes:

Long story I will try to make short.

Last month we decided to have a pool installed in our backyard. The pool looks great, however; my poor yard has now seen better days. In fact it has turned into one huge mud pit. Saturday the guys show up to reroute the sprinkler system that the pool guys demolished, and it starts to rain. Okay, it starts to rain HARD. That did not stop our determined sprinkler guys! They finished up in a couple of hours and left. After it stopped raining I decided to go check what they did. There isn’t a blade of grass in the backyard now, because it has been trampled by the sprinkler goons.

:eek: This is the worst plumbing job I have seen in my entire life. The new sprinkler heads are sitting 3-6 inches ABOVE the soil line, aka the lawnmower is going to have fun. Also they put in a fancy new sprinkler control box, however; instead of plugging in to where the old one was, they stapled the new wire around my garage wall and plugged it into the GCFI plug that hooks into the bathroom plugs. So now if the GCFI pops, I have to reprogram the damn sprinkler control panel. Oh and get this, the wire wasn’t long enough to reach the outlet, so they spliced the electric wire with two wire nuts. No electrical tape to prevent it from pulling away. Just staples. :rolleyes: My cat could have done a better job.

Now please note there is an electric panel 14 inches from where they placed the sprinkler control. Would it really have been that hard to run a new circuit out of that panel to hook the damn thing up to?

So that was my Saturday.

We’ve got no dogs. So no stink. Except for the kids, on rare occasions. Or if I forget to wear pants, which is thankfully much more rare.

  • Bottomless Shibb, Nature’s cruelest trick

That would be a beer. But all you did was go up on the roof and walk around? That’s what I used to do to get away from my annoying parents and sibs.

Hey gang! My Mom is scheduled to go into surgery (for the lung cancer) in about an hour, so please put on your good thoughts/prayers hats (well, you do have a thinking cap, right? The good thought/ prayer hat should be right next to it.). Mom’s old, but she’s feisty, and she’s got great-grandchildren to meet in less than a month, and besides, I loves her lots and lots and I don’t want to be an orphan. You all did a fine job last time, so thanks and all that.
The human equivalent of dog biscuits is a chocolate chip cookie still warm from the oven.

Kallessa (baseboard’s get dusty?)

my most sincere good thought winging their way to kalleymom. Please let us know how she does.

Since I don’t have a Mom anymore because of lung cancer, give your’s extra hugs from me.

{{{{{{Kalley’s Mom}}}}}}

Would Swampy get turned on by burly men bearing beer and dog biscuits?

Maybe, if he and ACBG were into the leather scene… :wink: :smiley:

Lots of prayers headed out.

I agree- baseboards get dusty? I didn’t know that.

My throat is slightly sore but as soon as I woke up I had two vitamin C tablets and a big glass of cranberry juice. I’m also going to drink tea all day. I am NOT getting what Mr. Lissar has. It looks like a very unhappy sort of illness.

This phrase is meaningless. Why make a long story short? If it’s a long story, we’ll wait it out. It’s what we do. But to cut out the (possibly) important bits just to make it shorter? That’s Bad Storytelling, that is.
Thinking good thoughts for Kalley’s Mom. (think… think… think…)

Speaking of Miniature Schnauzers, I like those little doggies. I also like the Giant version. The middle sized one though, eh.

You know why I got Lucy Puggy? Because I needed a dog at the time and she was for sale. But why I got her particularly was she is brown. At least she has some brown on her. Being a Jack Russell she has much white. She’s supposed to have 51% white and the more the better. But Lucy has maybe 45% white. And most of her brown isn’t even brown but “grizzle”. (That’s brown and black hairs mixed togther. Not brown hairs with black hairs where the black hairs make little stripes. That’s “brindle” and a Fault in Jack Russells. Even Parson (Jack) Russells.) The dog she replaced was almost all black. (She was a Schnoodle and had a white puff under her chin.) Our Family Dog growing up was black. The Little Woman’s dog is a tri-color Sheltie, but she’s mostly black. So I wanted a brown dog. Thus, Lucy. Even is she’s not brown all over.

Boy, rue, bet you spend a lot on those tapey linty picker-upper thingys. You are doomed unless you wear tweads a lot. Right now I’m sporting Isa hairs on one side of my skirt and Jade hairs on the other side because both girls wanted a petting while I was sitting waiting on the boy to take him to school. It’s not a good look cause the skirt is black with white and purple pinstripes. Now if I had on a tan skirt, it would be okay unless you looked really close.

Ha! I color coordinated my cats. One is dark and one is light so that no matter what I wear, you can tell I’m owned by a cat. Hint: At the rate I go through them, buy stock in those sticky clothes-roller things.

My cats are short furred but extremely sheddy. Once, I washed 'em, out of desperation to see if it might help. Not only did it not help, but there is nothing like a sad cat to make you feel guilty. Unless it’s that same damp shivery baby crawling up into your lap, like Elysian says.

So, this weekend I cooked up a storm and still have a bunch to go. First, boo! to Bon Appetit, their recipes are funky. I don’t know why exactly, but they bug me. But the food is yummy, I made the baked mushroom and spicy sausage pasta. I also made the cranberry tart and white chocolate and peppermint cookies. Plus some ammaretini. Tonight I make the black bean and chicken soup and the beef tenderloin with stuffing. Somebody stop me; I need a twelve step program for cooking.

I say we all meet at Ashes’ house for dinner!

Kalley, best wishes to your mom’s speedy recovery.

Rue, your story about passing around the bad feelings reminded me of Austria’s Maria Theresa, the mother of Marie Antoinette. She took the opposite approach. When she felt labor pains for Marie coming, she had a bad tooth pulled, because she figured she was going to be in pain anyway…

Best wishes to Kallessa’s mom.

I have no dogs or cats. I do have both a roof and a ladder, the less said about which the better.

Prayers, thoughts and good vibes headin’ from south Jawja to Kalleymom. Hope she’s all better real soon Kalley.

vunderbob (cause I have extra special permission to use small caps) do you really want to know if ACBG and me do the leather thing? :stuck_out_tongue: I didn’t think so.

Ok so far the human equivalent to a dog biscuit is a beer, a chocolate chip cookie still warm from the oven and what I did to ACBG which I ain’t tellin’. We got a good list going so far.

Puggy your floor still isn’t done? Geez, thought that woulda been waaaay done by now. Of course with all the 'canes of Summer and stuff guess that kinda gets pushed off to the side. But ya got clean baseboards you can go admire! That’s sump’n anyways.

Ashes [sup]2[/sup] trade ya some homemade biscuits for some white chocolate and peppermint cookies. Deal?

Lissla a little whiskey in that tea will make your throat feel better. Ok, maybe not really but after three cups you won’t care. :smiley:

merrily that was a weird story. I like weird.

Ex did you come to your senses and stop making decisions based on what makes sense rather than SOP? I can honestly say I have never been on the roof of my house, even though I got a ladder big enough to get me up there. I have, however been on top of all three storage buildings. No particular reason, just did. Sometimes ya just gotta get the ladder out and climb, know what I mean?