Saturday I had to go up on the roof of my house. I was not happy about it. When I got up there, I was even less happy still. It was very windy and very cold up there and the problem for which I was sent up to rectify was not readily apparent. If I sleuthed out what was wrong correctly it was all because of outstanding half-assery when they put on the second roof. Why is there an extra gutter up there anyway? Do I care if rainwater sluices down from the one roof onto the other one anyway? No, I do not. Is it just there so the second roof, when it got put on, would jam up right under it and then let water pool until it seeped under some flashing or something and then dripped down into the garage? That’s my guess. We’ll know the next time it rains. Which should be later this week.
So I got down from the roof with nary a fall to my doom, but I was still not happy about being up there. I’m not a big fan of ladders. They are treacherous bastards, all of them. It’s not that I kissed the ground when I got back or anything. That would have just been silly. I decided it would be the best thing all around to pass around my irkdom. So I washed the dogs.
The one dog (my dog Lucy) was sorta stinky. She just got a bath last month or so, but there was an ear infection in that month and her head made her stink all over. But she’s real easy to clean up. A squirt of water, a dab of doggy shampoo, some suds, a quick rinse and a fast toweling and she’s good to go. She’s little and her short straight hairs don’t hold much water.
The other dog (the Little Woman’s dog Nicki) was way stinky. She hasn’t had a bath in a long time. Spring I think. But she can stink more before it isn’t an issue because she’s at that “furniture” stage and doesn’t move the stink around much. And she’s harder to wash. You can’t just pop her in the tub and scrub her down. Well, you could, but that’s just asking for trouble. (And lots of mats.) So I had to brush her out, and then rake out her dead undercoat before she was ready for her bath. Then it was time to pop her into the tub. She’s harder to wash than good ol’ Lucy. First she’s bigger. Second she’s double coated. (Lucy is too sorta, but it’s hard to tell. You have to yank out a clump of her hair and really look at it to find the whispy undercoat. But she really like you to check!) So it’s hard to get the undercoat wet so you can wash her up. The outercoat, especially when it’s dirty and oily, keeps the water out, like it’s supposed to, but it doesn’t help me any. Then once she’s all clean, the undercoat really holds the water, so it takes forever to dry her.
Finally I was done and I had two clean doggies in my house.
Then they ran outside, after lying to me about needing to go potty, to roll in stinky stuff I don’t even want to think about.
Ha! No, they didn’t do that. They took their unhappiness about getting a bath out on the cat. They both went and bit her a little. This irked the cat and she went into my closet and pooped in my shoe. A Circle of Life Moment.
Ha! No, that didn’t happen either. The dogs just took their baths and lived with it. Yeah, getting the dog biscuits afterward made them feel better. That way they didn’t have to pass on the unpleasantness. I don’t know how they do that.
On the upside I winterized the lawnmower and put it away this weekend. Now, no matter what happens, I can’t mow again til Spring. It’s out of my hands and there’s nothing I can do. So grow grass grow! I don’t care! Of course it’s getting freezy and the grass doesn’t look like it’s going to be growing much anytime soon. But if it does, I don’t have to mow. So there’s that.