I’ll start off with the guy who played a big part in me joining the SDMB, Master Wang-Ka:
Oh dear, where do I begin?
Will Somebody Please Stop the Farting?
Auntie Em’s Missing Coworker Part 1
Auntie Em’s Missing Coworker Part 2
Why did the risotto taste and smell like vagina? - best title ever?
The Telemarketer Speaks. I Respond. - the thread that made me register
I am currently trying to track down aha’s “ever shit your pants?” thread, but I’m having trouble. I am, however, coming across some classic lieu threads.
I’m sure these selections speak volumes about me.
If it weren’t for the two character rule this reply would have consisted, simply of…
edit: anyone got a link to it?
Here is Billy Rubin’s “prehensile rectum thread”
Dude, auntie em’s coworker thread brought me to the boards. I love that stuff. I owe you one, auntie em!
Well bless my heart, I did a search on my username and “shit pants” and lo and behold, here it is the classic poopy pants thread:
And Yea, the Child of Filth Did Arise
The SDMB Holiday Season officially starts with the bumping of the “Rudolph” T.V. Special thread.
I can’t find it on Search now, and not sure of the thread title, but it was something to the effect of “I burn you dog” and had me in stitches. Anybody recall this one?
Looks like “Great balls of hey lady” has gone into the void.
The funny things said during intimate moments thread.
I don’t know how I could possibly have missed those the first time around. Hilarious, I can’t pick a favorite but I liked this line from Ka-BOOM,
. After reading that post I was amazed that he had survived into adulthood.
Although it saddened me to see that Master Wang-ka is now listed as a guest. Any chance we could get him back? I’d donate to the worthy cause.
It was a link to Scylla’s Horror of Blimps in a friend’s LJ that led me to the Dope.
Master Wang-Ka was a great story teller, almost on par with Scylla. This thread is one of my all time favourites:
Ask and ye shall receive.
More of my favorites:
Are scalar weapons for real? The beginning of one of the best inside jokes on the board.
Halvsie, the two-legged dog. I still laugh until I’m in tears from this one.
Not many people know that… Right up there with the scalar weapons thread.
What about The Cooler of Death?
And the origin of the 18" DHIBJD
And the single best argument, ever, for the board’s need for the edit function.
Was that the birth of that phrase?
What happened to Scylla’s spectacular Nazi Groundhog thread? I can find it on a search, but it won’t open.