Shiver Me Timbers! A Pirate MMP

I hope the hurricane doesn’t do much damage, I understand that Canada is actually having to batten down the hatches as well. Strange times.

Today was actually going fairly nicely, Hubs cooked beer in the morning and an acquaintance of mine wanted the spent grain for her chickens. She also asked for a taste of his beer. Said lady is a home health nurse and is used to projecting her voice so her deaf patients can hear and understand. This was a good thing because Hubs had to send his hearing aids out for repair yesterday.

Lois came over this afternoon and marveled at Hubs setup and explanations as to how things worked and she asked questions that showed she was really interested. Hubs poured her a glass of beer and she marveled over every sip. He does make very good beer, she wasn’t just making nice. I’m glad they had a nice visit, Hubs needs someone (besides me) telling him he does good work.

After she left, I finished my seminar piece (no pics, it is too dark) and turned on the news.

Day ruined. Arizona abortion ban accomplished