So I’m considering getting either Fable II or Fable III. I’ve read that they are rather similar so I’d rather get the better of the two. Which one do you recommend?
Is there a difference in the length of either, side quests included? Are they games where the main quest is 10 hours long but the whole game is 100 hours long?
I think II was a bit better than 3, especially since 3 staggers rather massively near the end. They’re both rather notorious for complete game breaking bugs, so II is probably more stable by now (granted it’s been a while for both, so they’re probably both pretty patched).
I liked Fable II a lot - it’s a long game, with lots of sidequests and exploration. F3 wasn’t bad, per se, but it did lack a lot of the charm of the second one. There are some awesome moments, and lots of tediousness to go with it.
Are you getting it on the console or on the PC? Because I haven’t had any gamebreaking bugs on either one. 3 is more buggy, but nothing huge.
Oh, unless you are counting the money thing as a bug on 2. I suppose so, but the money thing was GREAT! What it means, OP, is you buy things and rent them out to make money. But in 2, even when you shut off the computer, you still made money every five minutes - so even shutting the console off for 24 hours meant you came back to a lot of money. They changed this dynamic in 3, and it’s not even worth it to buy houses anymore (IMO); shops are still ok though. And it’s much more vital to earn money in 3.
Basically, 2 has a really, really awful main plot. It’s basically a re-tread of the first game, except highlighting all the really crappy parts. The sidequests are well-done and flavorful black-humor fantasy. The main plot is a hamfisted waste of time that they force you through to unlock new areas. I mean, it’s bad. Fortunately, you can mostly tune it out.
minor spoilers: Basically, the idiot writers do the worst job of railroading ever by forcing you to follow the whims of a sadistic madwoman in doing nothing of use whatsoever, while the villain mostly sits on his arse until the plot calls for him to stand up again, you repeatedly ignore chances to end the game, and most of your efforts are pointlessly wasted on things you don’t need to accomplish. And those are just some of the larger points, but not all of them and not even touching the minor ones.
Fable 3, I understand, may slack off towards the end, but it has a good concept and is much more intelligent altogether. Not a perfect game, and not quite as strong in the gameplay department. Some thought it a tad easy, too. So I think it may come down to whether plot means anything to you.