I had been with my now ex-girlfriend for 3 1/2 years, living together while in college, all that jazz. Last May, she broke up with me for the typical “different goals in life/not going to work” reasons. Since neither of us can really afford to move out in this town of high real estate prices and we wanted to “still be friends”, I just switched rooms with our roomate (who is one of the ex’s girlfriends [not lesbian, for those who will inevitably ask]). This summer, she (ex) started seeing a guy who she met while working a summer job, who happens to live here in town, and has been seeing him since, with it being relatively serious, from what I gather. I have no problem with this.
Present Day:
Two days ago, I came home and the ex and this guy (not the boyfriend) were in the living room watching TV. “X, this is Gabe, Gabe, this is my friend X”. “Hi, how are you”. Didn’t think anything more of it, as I was on my way to play some Half Life 2 in my room. The next day, she knocks on my door and says “Can I ask you something?” “Sure.”
She told me that the night before, she had been out drinking with her friends, and had kissed a guy. I replied “A guy who is not Y (the boyfriend)?”. The answer was in the affirmative. She wanted to know if I thought she should tell the boyfriend. I asked her if it was serious and she said maybe. I told her that myself being her ex-boyfriend, the question made me uncomfortable on a number of levels, and that she would have to decide whether being honest with the boyfriend was better than keeping it a secret.
That afternoon, the boyfriend came over and picked her up, and she spent the night at his place (frequent occurance, I don’t have a problem with it, just giving the narrative). She came home about an hour ago, and told me she was going to play raquetball. I hear a knock on the door, some chatter, and then she leaves. Seeing as how my computer is situated next to the window, I notice that she is leaving with X (the first guy).
The plot thickens.
I am not jealous or anything, just kind of feeling bad for the boyfriend. I plan on observing in silence for awhile to see what she does. If she continues to two-time the BF, should I say something to her? Something like “hey, in case you had not noticed, other people have feelings too!” Or maybe something more diplomatic, live “how are things with you and Y?”