Should michael be incarcerated for the duration?

Just heard on a news blurb that Michael Jackson has an arrest warrant issued for him because he failed to show up at court. I do not know the details. But assuming he just decided he didn’t want to go, or makes an excuse like he had a runny nose and needed to go to the hospital, can and should the judge hold him until the trial is over?

He is out on bail, hopefully it will be forfitted after this stunt,.

According to CourtTV, his attorney says he was in the hospital. Read the teaser on their front page, here. I cannot find any information about the warrent or any particulars there though, even after clicking on the appropriate link here.

I guess that answers the first part of my question on if he could. So, considering this is the second time Mike had to go to the hospital on unrelated “ailments”, should the judge consider the burden he is likely to be on the court in the future?

At this posting he has 5 minutes to get to court and 10 minutes ago his lawyers said he was 5 minutes away.,2933,150001,00.html

Working from home has it’s advantages.

Jackson was susposedly being treated for back pain. The judge doesn’t want to hear it and issued the order stated above staying it for one hour. As of right now he has three minutes to get to court.

Looks like he finally made it in.

From the various stories about his net worth, he can’t afford to lose $3M. Would be surprised if his lawyers get paid. It’s hard to look at the successful little boy of the Jackson Five and the person he’s become.

Addressing the title of the thread: Yes. Just to be safe. On general principle.

You or me or Joe Schmo would not be getting a slap on the wrist if we wandered into court 1 hr 5 min late in our pajamas.

Now the people around him are talking suicide. Between his financial position and this trial it might be best if they locked him up.

Link to what Magiver said.

If he commits suicide, all hell will break lose-imagine the martyrdom!

Child molestor commits suicide? Not sure how far the sympathy train will run.

The soon-to-be-defunct forums at the Fametracker website call his fans CTWS, for The Cult of the Tremulous Wounded Starchild. I found this note on one of the MJ forums:

And that’s one of the more literate ones. More typical is stuff like this from today: “'Thanks guys i just get worried! It’s hard and i feel so bad. I mean i don’t want this to sound mushy and it probably will When I saw him this morning i wanted to hug him and scold him before i heard the details. I was just worried.” or " God I hope he gets better. I can’t imagine all this stress he’s going through. Why can’t people have some sympathy for him? And all these people who think he’s faking it? They better shut it and read and prove to themselves if they think they’re so confident. (assholes) Anyway that was what was going through my mind today. Let’s pray for MJ’s health and a bright new day. Peace."

Uh huh.

I won’t link directly, because first of all it’s against the Board rules here and secondly, all the forums are pretty much alike.

And here I was thinking he was saying his family and friends wanted to kill themselves from embarrassment. How about the judge save the taxpayers a few million and just delare Jackson insane and let him live in the state “mansion” we can call Lalaland.

Good thing you’re not on the jury. (No, I wouldn’t be allowed on his jury either, because things like the fact that he only seemed to want to know if an “intruder” was in the hall outside his bedroom has biased me.) Isn’t he still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Llet the trial proceed, and if he’s found guilty, than your statements is true.

[bolding mine]
If this is true, (FoxNews here, had to take it with a monumental grain of salt) then Michael is truly toast, regardless of the result of the trial, he will have less access to children now and if by any chance he is declared innocent, next time even less people will stand to defend him.

He probably has loads of things he can sell. Is someone at least taking care of all those animals? Jeeze.

I never thought I’d feel sorry for a lawyer, but MJ’s attorneys are probably curled up crying in a corner right now.

As for the OP, if MJ can get a doctor to say that he was legitimitley sick, and he doesn’t make a habit of showing up late for court, then I guess they should give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, I’m sure some people do in fact get sick and miss court dates, and I don’t think they should all loose thier bail money because of it.

And really he’s only hurting his own case by showing up an hour late in PJs.

Oh, I’m sure that MICHAEL thought he was really sick. To him it was real. But it was most likely psychosomatic. Like the last time, when he supposedly had the flu? Turns out it was a stomach ache and a temperature two degrees BELOW normal. Sounds like nerves to me.