Should there be a Stupid Trumpism of the Day thread?

It seems like there’s a crying need for a forum to vent and fume over the latest outrage the Circus Peanut in Chief has committed; but Elections doesn’t seem appropriate any longer. Should we start an equivalent of the never-ending SRIOTD, here in the Pit?

There is.

It seems to have gone 7 days without an update, so it can’t be reflective of current events.

I know people are too scared to say it but I have bravery and big brass balls so I’ll say it for the weaklings. Trump is worster than Hitler.

I’m going to buy a pony, teach it one trick, and name it after you.

Among progressive types that I have encountered there are three schools of thought about trump: 1. That his will be a bad presidency in the normal range of bad presidencies. 2: That his will be a bad presidency of “unpresidented” proportions. 3. That his will be a bad presidency of biblical proportions. (Old testament, wrath of God stuff.)

Some seriously postulate him as the second coming of Hitler. Me, I’m more of an optimist. I think he’s the second coming of Warren G. Harding and/or Herbert Hoover.

Republicans have not had this much of a lock on governmental power since, one source said, 1926. Less that three years later, October 1929. Seriously, I urge everybody, particularly older folks like myself, to contact your money guy (or gal) and see about “trump-proofing” your portfolio. You may “miss out” on a tremendous upswing, but you might also miss out on having to cook squirrel meat over an oil drum fire.

I have liquified my entire portfolio, and bought beer.

If that pony can drive by and spout horseshit then your training session will be quite short.

The president has been set.

Personally, I’d like to be unpresidented right about now.