Shouldn't Palin just resign at this point?

Gosh, more wishful thinking from liberals. When has that ever happened? :smiley:

Look, we get it - you hate Sarah Palin. That’s fine. But that would be true for pretty much anyone McCain picked. Most of the reasons y’all came up with are ex post facto rationalizations. Hatred for any Republican on the SDMB and in the far reaches of the left-wing is in inverse ratio to his or her distance from the White House. That’s just a given.

But that makes all this “advice” on what McCain should do more than just a trace suspect, doncha think?


THIS. It only looks like a catastrophe of a campaign when we look at it from the outside, and think rationally. What so many fail to appreciate is that the people voting R aren’t thinking like that. Nor are they even watching most of the campaign. And more importantly, they outnumber us! So although they are wrong, they are the majority, and by that measure, they become right. (GWB’s second term is my cite.)

This is why **Stephe96 **has a point (when he isn’t constantly trying to change the subject to Biden). This election should not be a 49-45 split. It should be 70-30. A no-brainer. The fact that it is close enough to be tied in some polls means about half the people have no brains. How can anyone be confident with 5-10 points here?

McCain might have been able to switch her in the first 24-48 hours after picking her (before the convention), claiming she changed her mind for family or some such, but by now it is done. If she stepped down now, a committee of 'pubs would have to approve her replacement. Not gonna happen. And stupid as she clearly is, she is popular, which counts way more (unless you’re a D, when it becomes evil).

Certainly she should resign. And McCain should resign too! What is he thinking, running against Obama and all?? He should just resign. In fact…hell, the Republicans should just resign all together and get out of the way so the Dems can fix all our problems! After all, it was the Republicans alone who are to blame for everything that has occurred (I read this on the Straight Dope so it MUST be true). They should all just resign and go away so that we can get on with fixing this country. In future elections it should be the Dems vs the Green party…


That would make voting difficult. Dems vs repubs is easy.

After November 4, that will be the case whether they resign or not. The Republican party is finished, kaput, adios on the steel guitar.

The Dems will have the Whitehouse, and be close enough to 60 votes in the Senate that the Republicans will be effectively neutered for at least a decade. Face, you guys have finally been exposed to the rest of the voters for the party of failure that we on the left have known for years. If you ever want to win another election, you will have to abandon most of your anachronistic right wing principles and become more like Democrats.

No, you don’t get it. I find her personality appealing. I’d love to go fishing with her and her family, for example. I think she’d be a hoot.

I hate the thought of her getting into national political office. Very, very different thing. She’s hopelessly unqualified, and her public-policy positions are repellent.

Your own choice of terminology, however, is enlightening.

I know it’s wrong, but I think she’d be amazing in the sack; all dirty, and open to doing “stuff”.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

I think the Republicans are setting up Obama for a “Carter.” Throw the election, let the Dems handle the economic meltdown and all the other problems, which they won’t, then come riding in to save the day 4 years later. Worked before.

If the Republicans win, which they might, then they just blame “Democratic obstructionism” for anything that goes wrong, declare war on Canada or Mexico, and go on looting the country like they have been doing.

Palin is just what they want, just when they need her. All the attention on her means not as much focus on them.

Palin’s AG is suing to block the Alaska legislature’s “Troopergate” subpoenas.

Maybe she’s more qualified than we give her credit for . . . At any rate, she appears ready to step in on a moment’s notice and start defying Congressional investigations just like W does.

Interesting theory. That’s big picture thinking, however, and as duplicitous as such an action would be, today’s crop of Republicans are simply not big picture thinkers. Nah, they want to win this thing as much as they want to exterminate Gays, Sterilize Blacks, and kick all Mexicans out of the country.

According to the latest Rasmussen poll Sarah Palin is viewed favorably by 54% of the electorate and of that 36% view her very favorably. Biden’s numbers are 49% and 22% respectively. Yet despite this people think Palin is the one who should step down. I guess if liberals let facts get in the way of their prejudices, they wouldn’t be liberals. I know feminists will never forgive Palin for daring to think for herself, but the American people will see through the hate and the lies.

Exactly. I love how when Palin has a few appearances that are less-than-dazzling, she’s an idiot who should immediately step down; Biden, however, can’t go 5 minutes without saying something utterly stupid and/or in direct contradiction with his running mate’s platform, and he is seen as a lovable gaffe-machine who is sometimes too smart for his mouth to catch up!

Here’s our Sarah saying Kissinger is naive. She of course is far above his level.

The thing is, the few times that Palin has made embarrassing appearances, are the only appearances she has ever made. Biden is no Cicero, but at least he hasn’t said something stupid every single time he’s been on TV.

For the record, I don’t think Palin should step down. That would bury the Republicans.

Oh, wait a minute … maybe she should.

Thinking you won’t get penalized for “high sticking” eh?

With Sarah’s record now 0 for 2 in major interviews, one would think there would be some noticeable decline related to her in the polls. I’m not seeing anything that I can attribute to Sarah, but I’m still hoping America wakes up and smells the coffee before Nov. 4th.

Palin is far too ambitious to resign on her own. They would have to dynamite her out of this slot and make it look like it was her idea “for the sake of her family”. The way sentiment is presently running against her here in Alaska (because of the handling of Troopergate), she doesn’t want to have to come back here anytime soon.

This is one of the funniest things I have ever read. For many, many different reasons.

By the way, just in from the AP: McCain will attend tonight’s debate.

I think Palin is becoming a liability for McCain, so I don’t want her to step down.

Kathleen Parker, however, arguesin the National Review that Palin should step down.

(caps in original)

Parker and the National Review ain’t exactly liberal mouthpieces.