So tonight I went to see The Pianist.
Nearly every theatre I go to these days is filled with people chatting incessantly, so when I walked in and saw just 5 other people, I rejoiced. At last, a movie I would enjoy without intrusion from the other patrons.
I was sooo wrong.
First, the elderly couple behind me starts laughing when one of the characters mentions that France will be joining Britain in the war against Germany. I shush them.
Then the two moronic middle-aged women at the end of the row start gabbing. “Oh, that’s so horrible,” one says as we watch German soldiers round up the Jews. “I can’t believe they really did that,” says the other. The two whisper inanely for a moment about one of the greatest human tragedies ever. “Unbelievable,” says one. “I know, isn’t it amazing?” replies the other. I shush them.
The old folks behind me start talking again–this time the guy’s sharing his war experience: “Those kinds of weapons can kill a person…” Wow! Really! You mean Roman Polanski didn’t make that up? A gun fired at close range can KILL someone?
And the women chime in: “Oh, they’re hungry. This is so sad.”
It’s a movie about the Holocaust! Of course it’s sad! Did they mean to go see How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?
Dumb women: “Oh, now it’s snowing?”
Me: “Shhh!”
Old guy behind me: “When we landed in Normandy…”
Me: “Shhh!”
Old guy burps. Loudly.
Me (angry and now grossed out): “Shhh!”
Then, Szpilman is taken to his second hiding place, the apartment with the piano in it.
Dumb woman: “Well, he can’t play it.”
Thank you for making the world’s most obvious and insensitive comment. Good lord! We know! Don’t you see how that adds to the psychological torture he’s experiencing?
Me (in my head): Shut the fuck up, you moron bitch! You’re the reason movie theatres should administer IQ tests!
Me (out loud): Please be quiet!
Old guy burps again.
I should have left. Damn people. I didn’t pay to listen to them talk, and it was especially galling considering how much of the movie was silence which these asses decided they had to fill with their yammering. Have they never heard of sound design? Did they ever think that, hey, parts of the film are silent because SZPILMAN IS ALONE IN THE WARSAW GHETTO BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE HAS BEEN TAKEN TO DEATH CAMPS? Did they ever think that the theatre is not their living room, and they should not feel free to talk and BELCH? And are these the same asses who follow me to EVERY FREAKING MOVIE I SEE?