sick and tired of my brother

OK…i admit i am a general purpose jerk sometimes…and for that i apologize. But i must say something, I am sick and tired of my 19 year old brother running around being a jerk, going to jail…and women just FAWNING all over him. Would someone please explain to me why he acts like an idiot and the girls just love him? Over and over and over, i see guys that would make bill gates look like a supermodel going out with these beautiful women, and treating them like trash, and the women LOVE it.

i’m not going to start degrading women, BUT WISE UP DAMMIT. There are a ton of guys out there looking for a good woman, just someone to love…and they never get a break. BUT a total jerk comes along, and then thats the first one the women will be attracted to…Does it have something to do with survival of the fittest? Do woman think that the larger an ego, the better a man?


I think that eiter these people have lots of money, are good in bed or are in power.
Myabe you’re brother just acts like a jerk in front of you, but really nice in front of women.
On the other hand some women are attracted to idiots.
Not me though, I prefer people a little less…stupid?

I pretty sure your brother has big dick. Yep. Thats gotta’ be it.

Welcome to the world of “bad boys.”

Women are incredibly fascinated with these misbehaving macho meathead morons. “If it doesn’t hurt, it can’t be love” is their watchword and the regular beatings they receive and (nearly almost deserve) frequently do not report are the trademark of morons everywhere.

Zenster, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.

Yeah, those girls should go out with me!

Zenster, did you mix up your meds again?

Zenster, buddy, I think I understood your post, but I also think you may have had one of those President Bush The Senior syntactical moments.

Ahh. took me a minute to wrap my head around that thought, Zenster. And if I think I understand what you were trying to get across… I’ll try to phrase it…

Any woman who would put up with a guy that hits her needs to have some sense knocked into her.

How’s that?

Gavain –

Try to be mature. Definitely don’t emulate your brother.

We guarantee that the results will show in 10 years. At that point you wouldn’t trade places with him for all of the tea in China.

A big “AMEN” to this post. Your brother probably isn’t as all that as you might think, gavain. Popularity is relative, and changes a lot over time. Half the popular guys I knew in high school work at Wal-Mart now. Believe me, they aren’t getting any pussy these days.
Some women do like “bad boys,” but usually just women who are naive or immature. Stay the course, be the man you want to be, and when you’re older you will owe your happiness to no one. Meanwhile, your brother won’t be able to get a real job with his criminal record, and all the women who were “fawning” over him will have figured out he’s going nowhere, fast.

Blame a billion years of evolution. Until very recently, the violent, aggressive male was the alpha male, and therefore most likely to survive, reproduce, and provide for offspring.

How I explained this phenomenon to all my male friends: Women like confident men. Usually, jerks and ‘bad boys’ come off as confident when you initially meet them. By the time they women realize that they are genuinely jerks, they are already hooked.

And by that time the guy’s either dumped them for the next conquest, or the woman stays with him because she feels like “he’ll change”/“it would have been a waste of the last (duration of relationship) if I leave now”/“he’s only like that sometimes”.

Don’t imitate your brother. Young women don’t know what they want in guys either (well, they may know but what they want will probably change in a few years). Once these women get their heads on straight, they’ll avoid guys like your brother if they know his reputation, or hopefully flee quickly once they do figure him out.

As for yourself, you might want to search here for the numerous threads that have come up on the subject - words/phrases like “Nice Guy”, confidence, and others are good choices.

:: putting on mortarboard, taking on the air of true intellect ::

This can all be explained by understanding that women have absolutely no sense whatsoever, can’t answer the most basic questions on their own (who should I be dating? Do these jeans make my ass look fat? Is polysorbate 80 indeed a significant factor in acute hyperplasia, or are there mitigating factors due to the clinical test carriers?), hence their need for constant male guidance for everything in their lives.

The things that women most respond to are the same displays that draw attention from the rest of the world… namely, jailhouse tattoos, having your name in the police blotter, and being on “Cops”.

Women, unfortunately, are too bereft of intelligence to be able to tell the difference between a loser (someone who’s been on “Cops” three times), and a success (someone who, after being on “Cops” once, graduated to “Jerry Springer”).

This is, of course, prime evidence why you should never, ever let a woman decide for herself who she needs to be with, what brand of detergent to buy, or for that matter, when to exhale.

If she says you’re too controlling, remind her that you’re doing your job by keeping her in line, and she should do hers, (namely, washing your laundry and birthing babies).

Don’t listen to her when she mentions the words “restraining order”; this is really a character test. Be persistent, even if it means nightvision goggles. Women dig persistence.

Now, please note that this is not women’s fault. Note that women are (on average) smaller than men, which means they have smaller cranial capacities. This means you have a bigger brain than most women, and are therefore “smarter”.

Please note, I say nothing here about education, because women have skewed the argument by saying that, since women read more than men do, and since books are used in education, the average woman is better educated, and therefore “smarter”, than the average man. This argument fails to take into account the well-known fact that the only things which women read are historical romance novels and back-issues of Soap Opera Digest, both of which stunt one’s cereberal activity.

As an aside, the historical romance novels are sometimes referred to as “bodice rippers”, which is an anglicization of “Boadicea ripar”, a phrase meaning (in a combination of Celtic and Esperanto) “to fix the queen of the Iceni people”. Since we refer to “fixing” an animal when we spay them, it is but a short jog across Cognition Park to conclude that the name “bodice rippers” refers to the property of these writings that mentally neuters great women. Sad but true!

So I say to you, just walk up to the woman of your affections, and say “Hear me, woman… you are feebleminded and weak, and therefore I must think for you. You belong with me from this point onward.”

You’re guaranteed of getting far more attention from her than you may have bargained for.

Hope this helps!

I’m sick and tired of your brother, too. Tell him to grow up.

Luckily, my squeeze likes me for NOT being a bad boy. I’m the ideal catch, and all those screwed up, used up, dried up, bad boy chasing hags who are just turning 30 (but look like they’re turning 60) and never gave me a second look (until now, when they realize they’ve wasted their lives) can eat my garbage.

My life continues to get better, and their lives continue to get worse. Relationship Karma in action, baby!

You should thank the bad boys for eliminating all those bad-boy-chasers from your personal dating pool. Trust me, those are not the girls you want to be with anyway.

Vanilla Toast

Take me now! I want to have your baby!!!


Actually it’s pretty sad to see these women that have no self esteem and dignity fawning over someone that will keep them down. It’s infuriating but still sad.

There are just some people out there that for some reason will treat you like crap until you treat them like crap and then they will adore you. It’s weird. And it’s men as well as women. I’ve worked with a lot of them and as soon as you jump all over them it’s peaches after that.

i guess i just don’t get it…::sigh::

to offer more insight on this issue i will have to back up about a year, my dad runs a small company…and my brother uses this place to meet and greet woman…caught in the back of the buisness screwing not once but 3 times…i try to be nice, never rude, and still i get shot down by women…whats the deal?