Sieg Heil, Littlest Briston

So, little I was driving The Littlest Briston to day care this morning, when she decided she was tired of the book she was reading. She tossed it aside, and piped up with “Draw, Daddy, draw!”

I keep a supply of distractions on the passenger seat to keep her entertained, one of which is her MagnaDoodle – sort of a combination of an Etch-A-Sketch and a Wooly Willy. She loves doodling on it, and it keeps her entertained during the drive.

“How do we ask?”, I replied.


Ok, as long as she asks nicely. I hand it to her, and she starts scribbling and announcing the subjects of her art.

“I draw a cat!”, she informed me, and I turned to take a quick look (I learned long ago that not turning back to look will result in “Daddy!Daddy!Daddy!LookatthepictureDaddy!Daddy!PictureDaddy!Look,pictureDaddy!” until I take a quick peek). I glance at the scribble and compliment her on how much it looks just like a cat that tried and failed to cross the Turnpike.

We do a few rounds of this…“I draw a dog!”…“I draw mommy!”…I draw daddy’s glasses!" (that one she does very well, actually)…until she finished with “I draw Sarah!”. By the time she finished drawing Sarah, we we’re pulling into Sarah’s driveway – Sarah runs the day care.

I brought her inside, said my good-byes, and came home. It wasn’t until I was getting out of the car that I noticed the MagnaDoodle on the back seat, still with her “picture of Sarah”. Now, I just have one question…what in the happy hell kind of day care is this?

Well that’s what you get for shaving her head.

That’s actually pretty good–I can tell Miss Sarah is reclining gracefully on her elbows, with her legs crossed in front of her.

I’d want to know about the hippie peace symbol in the upper-right-hand corner, though. What in the happy hell kind of day care is this?

Buddhist. That symbol is used to indicate temples in Korea. :wink:

What’s even more shocking is that I have no idea what’s what in that picture. Is Sarah supposed to be the swastika? If so, she’s pretty flexible.

Ah come on, Sarah is kicking a ball high into the air.

I guess you could call it Hippy Hell Day Care.

Please teach her that distracting the driver such that they take their eyes off the road is NOT good. And get the daycare centre to reinforce it. Try asking her about shops that you pass: “What do you think that shop sells?”

Well, those doodles over there look to me like the map of British Honduras on the Caribbean. . . that doodle up there looks a little like the profile of Thomas Eakins, the famous painter and sculptor. . . and that group of doodles over there gives me the impression of the stoning of Stephen. . . I can see the Apostle Paul standing there to one side. . . .



Well, I was going to say I saw a ducky, a horsey, and a swastika, but I changed my mind.

And whatever you do… DON’T BLINK!!!

(Only kidding. A kid should know not to distract a driver. If it were me I’d say “I am driving the car - I need my eyes for doing that” and consider the matter closed)

Aww shit, Lieu is doing acid again. :smiley:

Consulting my quilt pattern book, it appears that the day care is quite multicultural

Well, at least she also threw what looks to be a peace sign in the upper right corner. Maybe it’s the friendly side of nazism?

I hope she’s blonde and blue eyed. Else, I’d worry… :slight_smile:

I’m more “concerned” about the dark, ominous and foreboding area on the left side of the screen. It seems a portent of evil (or a force of good?) coming to cover the swastika and eradicate it.

(Tell her no go on the quick peeks. If she complains/screams/carries on… remove the magnadoodle etc.)

I can’t believe you guys remember that! I thought I was the only kid to read that book!

When I grow up, I want to be a fanatic.
Not just any fanatic…
A wild-eyed fanatic!

What book is it a reference to?

Don’t blame yourself Hal you were just following orders.

It’s a Peanuts strip. Linus and Charlie Brown are lying on their backs looking at the clouds, with more or less the dialogue quoted (minus the swastika, natch).

Not that it matters to the ioke,but isn’t Lucy there as well?