Sienna Miller is EVERYWHERE

Okay, so, Sienna Miller is obviously being rolled out as the next Hollywood “Golden Child”, at least according to the media du jour. The former Mrs. Charlie Sheen is suddenly EVERYWHERE: she’s at sundance, she’s at Nobu, she’s dining with P Diddy, she’s here, she’s there, she’s wearing Uggs, she’s wearing black, ack!

Other than being chosen to play Edie Sedgewick, which may or may not have come before her mysterious little ascension to seemingly-universal media prominence, what’s so great/special/talented about her? She seems to me quite ordinary, not especially talented, not especially better-looking than any other cookie-cutter blonde actress out there. Has she ever even acted in anything award-winning or critic-renowned?

What is the cause of this attention? Why does everyone suddenly love her?


So, what is the DEAL with Sienna Miller?


I haven’t heard a thing about her, besides that she’s in a movie that just came out (or is opening soon, I’m not sure).

When was she married to Charlie Sheen? I must’ve missed that.

She was married to Jude Law. That’s about all I know about her.

Actually, Sienna Miller and Jude Law were engaged, but never married.

I can think of two things I like about her. (Click on the link from Alfie near the top of this page. Warning: NSFW!)

The op conflated her with Denise Richards, I think.

Denise Richards was married to Charlie Sheen, not Sienna Miller. (On preview I see LateComer beat me to that one).

She has a movie coming out. People do that, go out and about to promote their movies. It happens all the time.

Have you seen Casanova? Have you seen Factory Girl? Have you seen Alfie? Have you seen Layer Cake? Have you seen anything she’s been in? She’s very talented. Offscreen she may have had the nerve to diss Pittsburgh, be a paparazzi magnet (in the UK anyway, though it’s starting here too), have lousy choice in dickish boyfriends (love Jude as an actor, but boy is he an ass IRL) and wear funny clothes sometimes, but onscreen, she really can act. Her character in Casanova is a bright, independent, funny, talented writer centuries ahead of her time. Sienna pulls it off too, making the character likable and interesting, smart and fascinating, and she has great chemistry with Heath Ledger. It got bad reviews but I can’t for the life of me understand why. It’s a light romantic romp, but smarter than most.

Not yet on the first, but she’s only done a few movies so far. She seems to be in it for the long haul and is choosing scripts fairly well so it’s only a matter of time. Yes on the second. Layer Cake was well-received by critics and most of the people who’ve seen it.

So far she’s rejected Hollywood blockbusters and cheesy horror movies and has chosen to do smaller, quirkier movies. Besides Factory Girl (which is in limited release right now), she has 4 other upcoming movies this year. All the movies have finished shooting and are in post-production.

Interview - Supposedly talky and psychological, directed by and starring Steve Buscemi as a former political writer reduced to interviewing a soap star (Miller), but they form an odd bond. Playing at Sundance so I guess it’s done unless it’s playing as a Work In Progress. No release date yet.

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh - a contemporary domestic drama, also starring Peter Sarsgaard and Nick Nolte. Based on a novel by Michael Chabon (Wonder Boys). No release date yet.

Camille - a black comedy also starring James Franco, David Carradine, and Scott Glenn. No release date yet.

Stardust - A magical fantasy, based on a novel by Neil Gaiman, directed by Matthew Vaughn (he directed Layer Cake). Also starring Claire Danes, Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Peter O’Toole, Ricky Gervais, Rupert Everett and Ian McKellen. Due out in August.

Better either see what she’s actually about and try to get to like her, or be prepared to block her name out regularly over the next few decades. She’s not taking the “IT GIRL du jour” easy way out even if the US tabloids want to grow up to be UK tabloids. *She * want to be known as an actress which she can easily do because she’s talented enough, and by god she’s going to pay her dues by taking lots of diverse roles and working with lots of diverse and interesting people. Good for her.

I first noticed her in the short-lived series Fast Eddie.
Since then have felt she was more famous than her body of work would justify - but don’t care since I think she’s smoking hot!
One thing I’ve noticed, however, is that she really comes across looking “meh” on awards shows. Goofy dresses, hair she apparently did herself in the dark. Always a little disappointing to this old lech.

I’ve somehow managed to avoid seeing her in a single minute of screen time, without even trying, but having seen a couple of magazine covers, all I can really say about her is she’s easy on the eyes.

(and thanks to commasense, now I’ve seen even more of her than a magazine cover would permit.)

:slight_smile: She is the go-to girl for trendy, different styles, which sometimes flop. Besides being a prolific actress she is consider one to watch for the latest interesting fashion choices.

They don’t love her in Pittsburgh apparently.

Keen Eddie, no?

Keen Eddie, yes.

I heard a rumor that in the sex scene from “Factory Girl” Siena Miller and her partner were not faking it. Parts where going into and out of parts.

Yeah, it’s amazing how that rumor began once it became apparent that Factory Girl wasn’t previewing well. :rolleyes:

Funny, I’d heard that Rachel McAdams was the new “it” girl. Sienna Miller…I guess I don’t pay attention to the movies she’s made.

No, I think Rachel McAdams’ “it” moment has passed. She - like Jessica Alba, Eva Mendes, and Brittany Murphy - is now a former it.

I know nothing about her other than that she appeared to be quite high when she was on The Daily Show. Cocaine is our guess.

That, I’m afraid, is pretty much a given in young Brit monied circles at the moment.