I notice some people put quotes from other posters as their sig line. Do you need permission from the person who ‘said’ it to use it? Even if you attribute the quote? Does it have to pertain to you or can you use it if you just find it funny or insiteful?
I can’t imagine anyone using a quote w/o permission. I can imagine a huge-ass Pit thread emerging from that.
But, generally, people here get along, and all use of quotes in sigs is in good nature.
(At least I hope it is, I haven’t had Anniz complain about mine.)
There’s also that whole free speech thing. Note how Dubya didn’t complain when he was quoted last weekend calling the NYT reporter an asshole.
So, no.
Occasionally you will see posters asking someone if they can use something the other has said in their sig. I have yet to see an instance where such a request was denied, or where someone made a stink over the use of something they said.
insiteful? inciteful? insightful?
is the opposite of insiteful, offsiteful?