Sit on Santa's lap...

…and tell Santa what frivolous toy you want for Christmas.

  1. It must cost $50 or less
  2. Objects for your personal enjoyment-no gift cards or money for bill paying
  3. No live animals

Just this once, let’s not fight the hypothetical-it’s rather obvious what the theme of this thread is so just try to play along, o.k.?

My wish is for the Perplexus Epic. My Superplexus finally gave up the ghost early this year, and this new one is supposed to be even more complicated.

My grandson and I have great fun with the Munchkin games, so I’d take either SuperMunchkin or Munchkin Booty, to play with him (and his dad, on occasion).

Have you seen the whole list? :smiley:

Either a bomber of Cantillon (Belgian beer) which is just under $50 last I saw, or a baggie (1/8 oz).

I wouldn’t say no to a new All Clad non-stick omelette pan.

New rule: Santa will pay for shipping and handling, so don’t bother trying to factor that in.

Does a hooker count as a “live animal”?

Yeah, but thanks for the pointer. We have Munchkin (and some of the expansions), Munchkin Bites and MunchkinFu, and play something or other about once a week.

Snazzy game controller for my PC. I don’t play enough games with controller to ever personally justify going better than my cheapo Madcatz knockoff but, when I DO use one, a “real” controller would be nice.

My very ownZombie hoard.

I’d want Santa to convince David Eddings’ Estate that its okay to release his books electronically in the USA :(. I love rereading the Belgariad (I read it once a year or so, I absolutely love Prince Kheldar) and my copies are starting to get a bit ratty. There are 5 books in the series and at $6 each the collection does fall under the $50 limit!
Does bouncing count? - Prince Kheldar

Oh boy! Time to pull up Think Geek!

Since it has to be under $50, I think my final answer will be Doctor Who Dalek Factory Mini Figure Set. Does it have to be currently in stock? Santa’s factory has little [del]slaves[/del] elves who can crank this out, right?

But if Santa is outsourcing, I will settle for a
Doctor Who TARDIS Talking Cookie Jar.

Will this one do?

Combination case/keyboard/stand for my Nexus 7. Will bring me much personal pleasure, and I think Santa can find one in the price range. :wink:

I’d like a tune-up and new chain for my mountain bike.

Sure! Now I just need Santa to visit :smiley:

I’ll take the new Zelda game please. I’m not terribly good at those sort of games, but I do enjoy them.

I just came in to say, I laughed when I opened IMHO and found:

BioShock infinite? I was planning on buying it over the Christmas break anyway…I finally get a break from school and I intend on baking cookies and playing video games.

Depends, which can be a career ender if you’re a politician (c.f. ‘live boy’).