My grandson and I have great fun with the Munchkin games, so I’d take either SuperMunchkin or Munchkin Booty, to play with him (and his dad, on occasion).
Yeah, but thanks for the pointer. We have Munchkin (and some of the expansions), Munchkin Bites and MunchkinFu, and play something or other about once a week.
Snazzy game controller for my PC. I don’t play enough games with controller to ever personally justify going better than my cheapo Madcatz knockoff but, when I DO use one, a “real” controller would be nice.
I’d want Santa to convince David Eddings’ Estate that its okay to release his books electronically in the USA :(. I love rereading the Belgariad (I read it once a year or so, I absolutely love Prince Kheldar) and my copies are starting to get a bit ratty. There are 5 books in the series and at $6 each the collection does fall under the $50 limit!
Does bouncing count? - Prince Kheldar
Since it has to be under $50, I think my final answer will be Doctor Who Dalek Factory Mini Figure Set. Does it have to be currently in stock? Santa’s factory has little [del]slaves[/del] elves who can crank this out, right?
BioShock infinite? I was planning on buying it over the Christmas break anyway…I finally get a break from school and I intend on baking cookies and playing video games.