A comment in a recent MMP about one Mumper meeting another got me to thinking – how connected are we? By that, I mean the whole six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon connected, but you figured that out already, didn’t you?
So, I’ll start this off by listing the Mumpers I’ve met in the flesh (and in clothes – they weren’t *that * kind of meeting… And we’ll see how far this takes us before the thread gets totally hijacked as usual (3 posts? Do I hear 4??)
My encounters (in no particular order because I can’t remember the dates of the events):
**swampy ** (we dined together and he met Bernie)
**Bbbobbio ** (first Mumper to come to my current house)
**Taters ** (we dined with **welby ** & wife)
**MamaTigs ** (first Mumper to sleep at my house)
**snowbunny ** (first and only Mumper to critter-sit for me)
**Puggy ** (most recently met Mumper – we lunched)
**Rebo ** (we dined next to a giant armadillo)
**welby ** (where the heck is he??)
I’ve also met BibKitty, but she’s pretty much deserted us, hasn’t she? I also met Shibb, who hasn’t been active on the boards since the end of May. And going back to the days when **Rue ** ruled the MMP, before we were Mumpers, I met **Zappo ** (who deserted the dope for LJ, and then musta got a life.) There are probably a few others who have moseyed into ancient MMP who I met, but, well, I’m old and I forget, and I reserve the right to edit this list as I remember.
Your turn – are we connected via my list above? If not, get out and meet someone, dammit! You don’t need to be spending your life in front of a computer - socialize!! Fresh air!!! Interactions!!! PARTY!!!
Oh yeah, Happy Monday!
Happy Monday! Okay, it’s not that happy … but very nice OP there, FCM! I have, unfortunately, no degree of connectivity to another Mumper except through the computer and mail - I have participated in the Secret Santa and the Valentines exchanges
FirstLight, it’s not the time zone you live in, but that -huge- pond that separates the British dopers from the American dopers. Very hard to cross, especially if you’re squeamish about flying. LOL
In the sorta category, I’ve talked to Anyrose on the phone a coupla times, and I’ve sent Swampy a few pieces of snailmail, sans snakes.
For the rest of youze guyze, I’d love to hoist a couple with you, whenever our paths cross.
Dopers I’ve met:
**(Bodypoet’s boyfriend, forgot his handle)
this list is longer than presented, but I’m having an Oldtimer’s moment today.
The showdown with Sharon never happened. She didn’t take the bait with VWife’s pill box, and the camera didn’t work right anyway.
She’s scared to death because the doctors have found a mass in her abdomen, and her mother died recently of stomach cancer. This isn’t a BS addict’s story; we know enough people that we have independent confirmation of this. The joys of living in Podunkville… Back to the short story: When she cleaned Friday, she was a basket case. and rattled on and on about knowing who her friends are, and we were in the good column.
The previous time she cleaned, we gave her an advance on her fee, knowing full well at the time she was ripping VWife off, but we couldn’t prove it.
Sharon is supposed to have a biopsy Thursday on the mass, with a good chance they’ll remove it the same day if the conditions are right. She’ll be out of the cleaning biz for about 6 weeks, and we’ve found a replacement in the meantime. Nikki, the replacement, is a FOAF where the friend is trustworthy.
**LiLi **(albeit through serendipitous circumstances that had nothing to do with the MMP, since there was no MMP back then) and Sunspace (who has poked his head in a couple times, and ergo is a Mumper no matter how infrequent).
I met a few other Dopers at the last Toronto DopeFest, but it was a rather small crowd since a big snowstorm happened to pass through town that night. Aside from Sunspace, I met Ministre-de-l’au-dela, and Cerowyn and his boys (plus a couple others whose names I have completely forgotten).
Not bad for less than a year on the Dope and not living in the States, I’d like to think.
So, who gave permission for Monday to start? I’m not ready dammit. It’s not fair! WAAAAAAAH.
I’ve not met any Mumpers or Dopers. There needs to be another Ra-Dopefest, one that I can actually get to now that I have my very own car.
Today’s going to be interesting. I’m heading down to the Hallowed Halls of my Department to talk to the Graduate Directors about the status of my financial aid. I expect to be joined by others. Did I tell y’all about this? On Friday Negative Lady called me up and said her financial aid got suspended. She mentioned that a MLS student she knew was in the same boat. Today I got an email from Redheaded Baker (a former Archivin’ Work employee I took a class with once) telling me not only that her financial aid was suspended, but Michigan Girl’s (another former AW employee) was as well. Complicated Roommate is in a slow burn about this because he was at the head of the pack–his aid was suspended three years ago which started his tailspin because he wasn’t able to finish his thesis, which involves technology and development. (He’s planning to finish his last semester in January.)
I told Negative Lady we need to get 9 on our side. I remember getting an email from someone who worked at WRAL or the News & Observer two years ago asking people if they had this happen to them, but I deleted the email soon after because I wasn’t having problems then. There’s something up at financial aid and it’s starting to stink of fraud. Every single one of us (plus some people I know who had this happen last year) is working on our thesis this semester. Just one semester left and they consistently pull this? Do they want ECU to have any Master’s programs?
I’ve met welby and welbywife, Haze, Sunspace, and Mahana (no points for that :D). In person, I’ve met… drat. There were a lot of Dopers at my first Dopefest.
Dopers I’ve met (I can’t remember them all): Lieu and his cutie patootie daughter UncleVinny Ayesha and LionSob - Ayesha passed away last year. Ringo - haven’t seen him around in ages. Little Nemo
and… a bunch of others at HouDopeFests.
Among other Dopers, I’ve met a fair few because we like to have Dopefests in Boston. Let’s see if I can remember…
[li]tdn[/li][li]Robot Arm[/li][li]Cal Meacham[/li][li]Pepper Mill[/li][li]MilliCal[/li][li]Aesiron[/li][li]Autolycus[/li][li]What Exit[/li][li]Sophistry and Illusion[/li][li]Elysium[/li][li]Just Another Geek[/li][/ul] **
and, of course, Hawkeyeop.
OK - I’m not normally part of the MMP but I remember when I went to a new HS at lunch I didn’t have anywhere to sit so I picked up my tray, looked for people that were dressed like me and walked over and said to the group “Hi. This is my first day and I don’t know anyone. You guys look the most like me so I’m going to sit here.”
So hi, I’m not new here (has it been 8 years already?) and I don’t know if you guys look like me or not but I’m going to sit here. In the past I’ve gone by the screen names **ellykat ** and Rez. I used to be married to FunLvnCriminal, who no longer posts here.
Anyway. Dopers I’ve met:
Aries 28
Another that is no longer here from Alabama that started with an S and if Sauron or Aries come by maybe they’ll remember.
But that’s it. I haven’t been to a dopefest in 4 years.
My MMP contribution will be my short backstory to catch you all up. A few months ago I quit my (admittedly good) job in AL, picked up my 2 kids and moved back to MS to go back to college and get a degree. I am about 99% it’s going to be nursing. BUT I was too late to get into the nursing program this year so I am being a bum and spending some quality time with my 3 year old and will probably get a part time job just so I am not a complete bum living off my parents. The oldest boy has his first full day of second grade today. Other than that I am spending way more time on the boards than I used to since I am unemployed and acting worthless! Today I will arrange some items for next weekend’s golf tournament as I am running the concession stand. Yes, I have gone from single mother with a full time job and a good office to a country club volunteer. So there ya go…
:: Waves to ShelliBean :: Welcome to the MMP!! We’re a friendly bunch. We do like to give everyone nicknames though, so if you can’t tell who is being referred to right away, just ask. On that note, I’d like to submit Jelly Bean.
I’ve met **swampy **in person and sent packages off to **MamaTigs **and Taxi.
I’m glad this is a short week. I’m hoping it’s fairly quiet at work this week, but I’m not counting on it. If it is, I should be able to get my desk organized so I can actually find things again.
I’ve met a bunch of these dopers. Lorene is in there too.
I hate coming back to work after being out a day. There at 70 emails in my inbox and sorting through them is the worst task ever. Maybe I can pretend they’re not there…