Six Feet Under 22 July (West Coast Spoilers)

So… Is he, or isn’t he?

Odd there were no previews for next week, so I’m voting no.

If he is, at least he went out nailing Maggie. If he isn’t, Brenda will kill him anyway. She knew he was going to Maggie’s so it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure why he didn’t show up at the Quaker service (where she was thrilled to be anyway).

So Nate bangs Maggie, Ruth is banging her old flame, Claire is banging Ted in the supply room and Vanessa is banging anybody but Rico.

I don’t know if anyone mentioned this is last week’s thread, but I got the impression last week that the real reason Vanessa invited Rico back was that she’s pregnant by someone else. What happened tonight between them suggests another possible reason for her behavior, but I’m still holding out for the possibility that she’s using him as a cuckoo.

Actually Nate’s incapicitation gives him an alibi or at least an excuse. I doubt Brenda will care much now about such matters.

I’m assuming Nate will survive, but he will be in bad shape.

Were Nate’s exclamations at the end intended to be funny? I actually laughed out loud:

My arm’s numb.
Numb arm,
num barm…

Funniest thing I’ve seen all week. Also, I found it especially titillating to see the cute quaker’s hooters because her character is so devout.

I may not be right in the head.

I thought she invited him back because she was sick of the “single mom” routine–dealing with the trash, etc and figured she’d put up with him to have “a man in the house.”

Also, do you mean cuckold?

Is it a stroke? Is the brain tumor back? Is it punishment from God? I was really hoping for a preview, too, and was totally disappointed that there was none.

On the other hand, it looks like everybody else is going to be happy for an episode or two. That’s nice.

And Rico had the right business plan. But so did David. Can’t they combine the two?

Nope, you’re not crazy. I was laughing out loud also.

It went something like this:

Bwhaaaahaaah ahhaaah aa!


“Wow. Nate might be dead.”


“Hmm, whatever did happen to that tumor anyway?”

So did Nate. Any of the three ideas could have made money. Rico’s seemed like the weakest to me, though. A full time person, just for community outreach? Seems rather low return on that investment.

Maybe all that, too, but there was something about the look on her face as he was having sex with her, and afterward, that made me think she had an ulterior motive in engaging in an act that was so obviously distasteful to her.

The word “cuckold” is based on the cuckoo bird, which allegedly lays its eggs in other birds’ nests, so that it won’t have to raise them. (I probably should have used the more common expression.)

It never was an actual tumor, he had AVM, which is Aterial Venous Malformation (or something like that). I think it’s more like an aneurysm than a tumor.
He was having surgery to correct it when it burst at the end of season 2 or 3. It was when he and Brenda had broken up, she had driven off and Lisa had just had Maya. The final scene faded out with the monitors all doing that flat-line “beeeeeeeeeep” alarm thing. The next season opened six months later with Nate and Lisa married and Nate (supposedly) just fine, health-wise.

Besides, they’re just the size I like. :wink: :smiley:

The business plans… Hm. In SoCal, you’d better cater to the Hispanic community. It makes sense to have some sort of outreach programme. But would it warrant a full-time employee? Which makes more sense; a full-time employee, or an ad agency that is paid per project? I don’t know. But they do need to have someone available besides Rico who can talk to the customers.

The incinerator might be a good investment. On one hand, cremations are very popular. Having their own incinerator would probably be profitable for Fisher & Diaz over the long run. But $340,000 is a lot of money, and Rico is right that that’s a helluva mortgage. How much profit does the funeral home make on a cremation? $500? (Just guessing.) That’s 680 corpses, plus interest. Seems reasonable in a city the size of L.A.

Nate’s ‘green funerals’? Um… Yeah. Sounds like a real niche market. I’m sure some people would want to do it. But California’s anti-pillution laws are very strict. I can imagine that the State would not want bodies just tossed into the ground, since there’s the possibility (or so the opposition would say) of diseases being put into the environment. Maybe the land could be lined like a landfill? Religious opposition (possibly lead by competing undertakers) would compare such burials to tossing people into landfills, especially if the site had to be lined like one, and thus are disrespectful to the dead. I see more problems with Nates plan than the other plans.

Speaking of Nate, Rico mocked him by saying Nate can’t work on bodies. I think I missed an episode last season. Was Nate’s ability to work on corpses taken away after the thing with his wife?

Both David and Rico are morticians (working on bodies) and funeral directors (handling the arrangements); Nate is only a funeral director.


Another thing I want to know, is why do I always screw up the dates on these threads? Yesterday was the 24th. :smack:

Hey, don’t worry about it. We knew what you meant. Besides which, calendar dyslexia is a very common problem in these stressful times.

Perhaps the creators are going to kill all the main cast characters off. Ruth and whatzisname get eaten by a bear? David and Keith murdered by Mexican banditos? Claire’s new beau turns out to be a loner because he’s an axe murderer? Rico, in a fit of despair over that cow he’s married to, drinks a quart of formaldehyde? Nate already dead of a stroke? Brenda gets carved into small pieces by her wackjob brother, and is shot dead by the cops?

If it matters, Chefguy, we think alike on this. I don’t see anything but a scorched-earth ending. Even those bratty foster kids need to go out in flames or being squashed by something. I was so hoping Keith would do that obnoxious Tyrell or Rondell or whatever. The other kid is okay, but I would not last five minutes with the older one.

There was some preview, maybe before the season began, that had at least some of the main characters out in the desert. And I heard an interview with Lauren Ambrose (Claire) on Fresh Air that suggested some things will happen there. Did I hear right that there are only two episodes left? They better get busy offing this cast!

According to, there are four episodes left (the one we are discussing was #59, and the season finale will be episode #63).

That shot of Brenda sitting alone in the chaple was such a heart-breaker - even though I know the only reason she was there is because she is suspicious of Nate and Maggie.

And I cracked up when Russel attacked the lollypop - “This thing is indestructable!”

Finally, some comic relief!


I don’t think she was there because she was suspicious of Nate and Maggie. I think that she was taking her reality-check to heart. That is, she finally realised that she needs to change; so she was trying to adjust her attitude because she loves Nate.

Was Rachel Griffiths actually pregnant while this season was being filmed? She had a baby fairly recently and she doesn’t look padded.