Hello. I need some cowboy, western and/or Texas slang terms for cowgirls, tough girls and women, bad girls/women.
Gals? Cowgirl is pretty much all I’ve ever been called. Well, and “Hot rod” and “Annie Oakley” depending on circumstances. Oh, and “Darlin’.”
Would “gun moll” fit the bill? I don’t think it’s specifically for cowgirls, though.
They have specific implications as to the type of woman involved but “Buckle Bunnys,” “Cow Belles,” “Cattle Women” and “Cattle Annies” are all used for different references around here.
I have often heard young ladies referred to a “purty young filly”!
I don’t recommend it as an ice breaker at your next bar b que in Austin though!
Sorry… I was just advised that that should be “purty li’l filly!” I reckon the “young” part seemed to leave out some older fillies.
Then there’s the intimate apellation “heifer.”
Now, be aware that my wife’s family is from Texas and I believe that her father is the only one who could call her that and survive the encounter.
No, it’s specifically for female gangsters, or gangsters’ girlfriends.
In Australia they are Jackaroos (cowboys) and Jillaroos (cowgirls) but that doesn’t help you, nor does it sound mean - so, um, just ignore me.
Had a friend from Texas who would introduce his gf as “my lil heifer”. She would giggle and hug him when he said it, so I do not thing she minded. And she looked more like a steer than a heifer.
Let me be your cowboy, and you can be my cow, girl.
So why are they called “cowboys”? Should be “bullboys” and “cowgirls”. :rolleyes:
I keep thinking of Rogue saying “Sugah”
Well, “cowboy” is a Texanification of the Spanish caballero “cah-bah-YER-row,” which means “gentleman,” or literally “horseman.” (Cite.)
The Mexican Vaquero literally means “cow man,” but specifically referred to the working hands. Caballero was reserved for the ranchers or landowners.
Given the reverence the Spaniards hold towards bulls as a symbol of masculine sexuality, I expect calling oneself “bull man” would be considered rather boastful. And therefore not unexpected of a Latin male.
Does anyone know of any terms for cowgirls from the Old West? “Crusty” is a term for a tractable woman. What is the female equivalent of a “curly wolf”?
Does “calico queen” only have one meaning, “woman of ill respute”?
Furthermore, putting it simply, what are terms for good and bad women?
well lets see… if she was really rank you might call her a Buffalo Gal
Thank you. Could you please elaborate?
What is an Annie Oakley? Who was Annie Oakley?