While I’m on my medical leave of abscence from work, I’m getting caught up on a lot of things, including my movie watching backlog. It’s a big list, but “Alien Vs. Predator” came out this week on DVD and while I didn’t hear great things about it, I picked it up just to see what all the ruckus was about. Gosh, I noted, it’s rated PG-13. I could understand that; considering the violence in any of the Predator or Alien movies I’d consider that lowballing it. So I look at the cover to see the reasons why. Not necessarily in this order, it read :
Violence : Okay, yeah … aliens popping out of peoples’ chests, I can see that.
Language : It’s to be expected. This ain’t Winnie the Pooh.
Horror Images : Yep … put Aliens and Predators together and you’re sure to have that.
Gore : Well, I had kinda hoped they would have played down the gore angle but with movies like this, you really have to play to the lowest common denominator.
And last but not least …
Yes, the box warned against slime.
Apparently we must now protect our children against slime.
We wouldn’t want them to, like, fool around with slime on a daily basis, I guess.
Good grief!