Maybe I’m just blind, but I didn’t see any thread about it, so I was curious if anyone else watched it last night? I only got to see the first half, but was interested in what was going to happen. Anyone who saw the second half and doesn’t mind updating me on what happened, please do. I was suprised to see him flying…for some reason, I thought they were going to save that little trick of his till the final episode. I didn’t really like the little ripple effect they added when he first took off…the shot looked much more interesting in the commercials, but still, the flying was pretty cool. And I’m still a little undecided about Louis…I wonder how many episodes she’s going to be in. Anyway, someone else talk about it and tell me what you thought.
Loved it. We got our typical nods to that which has gone before… (‘Is it a bird…? A plane?’)
And the twist at the end caught me mostly by surprise. Mostly.
Plus, Lana in the shower, and the “Supergirl” wannabe in the recap at the beginning. Lovely eyecandy.
It’s “Lois.” “Louis” was in the gay porn version. And I’m going to use a spoiler box anyway, mostly because I love the way smilies show up in them, so nyah.
[spoiler]Margot Kidder (Lois from the movies) showed up and gave Mama Kent a chunk of black kryptonite. :dubious: Mom slapped it onto Kal-el’s chest and it caused him to split like siamese twins joined at the waist. :dubious: :dubious: Clark and Kal-El started smacking each other, so Mom tossed Clark the black kryptonite and he belted Kal-El into the middle of sweeps week. This caused Johnathan to wake up, because Jor-El needs a lackey, and if he can’t have Kal-El, he’ll use his dad.
Clark doesn’t remember how to fly or use Telekinesis, which is a good thing because that’s not one of Superman’s powers, dangit!
Clark & Lois met at Chloe’s grave and he did the really smart thing and used his x-ray vision: Chloe’s grave is empty! Yay! He then did just about the stupidest thing ever and told Lois that Chloe wasn’t dead. :rolleyes:
Lana is now sporting a tattoo on the small of her back, the one you saw in the spoiler commercials, that says, in Kryptonian, “Property of Jor-El.”[/spoiler]
Oh, and that lady, the one who plays Lois? Yowza. I mean, dang.
They still can. When his parents asked about it, he replied, “Kal-El can fly, Clark Kent is earthbound.” Maybe he’s in denial, but maybe he needs to embrace both the inner Clark and the inner Kal for that to happen.
When the episode was over last night, my friend Mike turned to me and said “This is going to be the best. season. ever.” Oh, yeah. And now my thoughts, in no order whatsoever:
I don’t think Jor-El still has control of Jonathan, nor is he commandeering Lana. I think Jor-El is now well out of it, and it’s all Clark Kent from here on in.
But the three pieces of the puzzle to unlock the “repository of knowledge” is going to be interesting. Clark’s got one, now, the one Lex found in Egypt. Piece number two is certainly inside that tomb Lana was studying in Paris. Piece Three, who knows? And this “repository” … will it include Marlon Brando reciting “Trees”?
I’m still torn about the whole Lois thing. There is, of course, the inner voice screaming that Lois shouldn’t be anywhere near Smallville, and now Superman’s whole future is being changed, but I’ve managed to lock that little screamer in the same room where I keep the “Lex and Clark were never friends” reminder. I can deal with Special Guest Star Lois. The personality of the character is perfect–aggressive, assertive, tenacious, and all over the place. The actress (Erica Durance? Maybe the spelling is wrong.) is absolutely gorgeous, but I just don’t like her as Lois. I don’t think she looks the part enough, I guess.
I loved the use of Margot Kidder, especially as an emissary from Dr. Swann, and the little allusions throughout her scene. But man, she’s still got that crazy look in her eyes, doesn’t she?
I’m thrilled that Chloe isn’t dead (in my opinion, it should have been Lana, because I’m sick of her shit), but Clark wasn’t exactly exercising caution when he burst out with the news. “Oh, I x-rayed her grave, and she ain’t in it.” Not gonna cut it. “I just have a feeling.” Yeah, right. “Um … she called me?” I’m very interested to see how he gets out of that. What possible reason could they give for exhuming the empty coffin and proving that it’s empty? If Pete were still around and his mom were still the judge, maybe they could do it. But that hard-ass sheriff is probably still in charge, and they won’t get anywhere, even with the x-ray story.
I’m glad Jonathan snapped out of it, it would have sucked if he’d been comatose for the majority of the season. (But it would have given him time to find Tom Wopat and make a concerted effort to steal or destroy every 1969 Charger in the world in order to prevent the Dukes of Hazzard movie from coming to fruition.)
Oh, and I’d be totally remiss if I didn’t mention how happy I was that Tom Welling was naked for half the episode.
I liekd the Black K. I took it as a psychic/hallucinatory experience that expelled “Jor-El’s” (I still think it’s Zod) programming. There isn’t another evil clark running around. It was all psychic/metaphorical. The only question is how did Swan know that Black K undoes programming on Kryptonians?
And when did Kal use TK? if it was with the Kryptonian artifact, I’d say it was due to the artifact, not Kal.
And yes, this was a very (almost, just obscured or off camera) naked episode. Gender parity, too, whoch is a step in the right direction.
I don’t mind them letting Welling run around in the buff as long as Kreuk follows suit.
Nudity : Grin and Bare It!
Yeah, I put the crystal-telekinesis on par with the spaceship key flying right to the ship and the ship flying right to Clark in the tornado. Kryptonian programming, rather than an actual power.
And I’m still waiting for super-breath.
Can I mention the amount of botox that Margot Kidder had injected in her upper lip? She could barely talk!
I think Lana is now piece number two.
Just ask my wife about waking up with me in the morning. “More powerful than a locomotive!”
So Mennoch, you think it’s actually Zod? See I’ve started wondering if it’s Darkseid. But I guess the super-Machiavellian maneuvering could be the hallmark of either character. Figure Clark spent the summer in the Phantom Zone? Or on Apokolips?
She’s sure a piece of something. Yowza. I am almost positive, however, that they had a body double behind the curtains in the shower – the silhouette we saw looked like something out of Frank Miller’s Sin City, and Lana is Just. Not. That. Curvy.
By the way, I’m still holding out for some sort of switch-up where Lois gets “too close” to the truth, gets killed, and Chloe is forced to come out of hiding and take over for her, and oh-by-the-way also sever all ties with anyone who can recognize the “real” Lois or Chloe.
I turned my head for a minute when Clark was on the plane (I was playing City Of Heroes and dind’t want to get killed.) What happened. From what I saw the artifact burned a hole in a wall and flew to Clark/Kal and it appeared that Lex saw Clark/Kal through that hole. But in the next Lex scene, he was confronting Lionel about stealing his artifact. Wha?
So, just out of curiosity, what exactly happened when Clark hit Kal-El with the black Kryptonite? Did it kill him/make him explode, or is there an evil superman running around somwhere?
Overall, I’m pretty sad I missed the second half. Hopefully, there will be a rerun this Sunday. It’s going to be an interesting season, but I’m not too happy with the twist. They did a pretty damn good job of showing Chloe go boom…I’m not too sure how they’re going to manage a way out of that one.
And um…won’t Lex and Lois both recognize Clark once he dons the spandex? I doubt he’s going to change that much in the next couple of years that you won’t be able to recognize him unmasked. What, will Superman be the one wearing glasses in this universe?
I hadn’t thought about Darkseid. I was leaning towards Brainiac, myself.
I toyed with the idea of Lois being a surgically-reconstructed Chloe from the get-go, but there was enough last night to disprove that. I really like your idea, though. But then again, I’ve been in the Clark-and-Chloe camp since Day One.
That’s the problem I’ve always had with Lex being there at all. I’ve decided to go with an upcoming memory erasure, or just too many years between last seeing Clark and first seeing Superman.
No, no! It was a FRESH[sup]TM[/sup] episode last night. Sunday, it’s an EasyView[sup]TM[/sup].
No, Clark/Kal super-sped away just as Lex put his eye to the hole. He saw the aircraft door wide open and assumed that Lionel was the only man powerful enough to hire a skydiving ninja.
Damn! I missed it! I didn’t even kniw it was on! Does anyone know if/when it will rerun? I’m not reading any spoilers, so if you do know, please respond in a post without spilers in it, and reply with my name in the post, so I can jsut go right to the post I need to and not read things I don’t want to read.
To be more exact than my spoiler guess, it looked like Kal-El got sucked back into the fissure, rather than the vaporized look of Blonde Fissure Girl.
Man was that a great premier! I’m stoked to be able to watch the show again, too. I totally missed most of last season, so what happened to Chloe? Something about her being in a safe house explosion, but why would she be in a safe house? B/c she’s testifying about Lional Luther?
Lana is way too hot for TV. Man, when she woke up all sweaty and disheveled…whew! Nothin’ hotter than that! Nothin’!