To me, coffee smells like burnt wet socks mixed with dog shit and cat piss. The few times I have tried it, it tasted like charred dirt water.
Tea also tastes like dirt water to me but the smell is not completely disgusting like coffee.
Almost everyone I have talked to about it, thinks coffee smells and tastes like the nectar of the gods. Those people can fuck off.
This is a thread for you to tell the world (safely, anonymously and mostly unnoticed) that the smell and/or taste of something they love is actually awful and they are completely wrong!
Go for it!
verb (used with object), abhorred, abhorring. regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe; abominate.
My city water ! I can’t stand the smell and taste of the stuff and my dog doesn’t like it either ! I found him drinking my bottled water from my cup and thinking damn my water doesn’t taste that good ! My dog now get bottled water too, I know it not any better for you but at least I can drink it. My neighbors grew up my city and are use to drinking swamp water ! :eek:
I know that not everyone likes Diet Coke, but I have a hard time understanding how ANYONE could like it. Still, it’s immensely popular. Even diet tonic water makes me want to barf.
I am perpetually annoyed that something which tastes like slightly spicy landfill is an ingredient in freaking EVERYTHING.
Seriously, go to AllRecipes or some other recipe website. Other than desserts, black pepper is an ingredient in 75-80% of the dishes.
I blame smokers - it became popular because smoking addicts wanted their food to taste like something - anything - and chose that crap. But even now, when smoking is on the wane, it’s still in everything because a) everyone’s parents and/or grandparents smoked, and b) it seems like 90% of the people who still smoke are in the food service industry.
Coffee, I used to be able to tolerate the smell until I got pregnant all those years ago and the smell made me ill. I still get slightly nauseated at the smell.
I don’t drink it, never have, never will.
Pancakes, another smell that makes me a bit queasy.
I *can *eat them but I’d rather not.
Strawberries, love the smell, hate the taste.
Bacon, hate the smell but can eat it.
Any of those nasty plugins, car tree air fresheners, spray air fresheners - not only do they smell nasty, I get sick if exposed to them for too long. Some asshole family decided to plug one in and lie to me about it. It didn’t take long before I was turning green and shaking, then coughing and having trouble breathing. Then the assholes were like wow, you weren’t kidding about being allergic to them, we thought you were just being a baby about it.
Those things are fucking poison.
Play-Doh. I have no idea what it tastes like, but the smell is disgusting. Just a whiff of it sends me into a panic.
I don’t know, perhaps there was some unfortunate Play-Doh incident when I was a kid that I’ve repressed. But I can barely stand to even be in the same room with Play-Doh.
This is a problem, because I have a three-year-old.
Tastes: pickles and olives. Loathe them both. Don’t like the way they smell, either. Vinegar, dill, and essential preserved olive-ness revulse me.
Smells: anything artificially scented. Worst is anything from the Yankee Candle Company. I don’t understand how anyone buys them, or how employees can work in stores, or even near stores, that sell them.
Anything pumpkin spice. I used to like it, but I can’t stand it anymore. It’s the awful time of year when someone is always offering me pumpkin spice something. Ugh.
The deep-fried smell in fast food places. It’s easy enough to not go in, at least. It’s not in all of them so it makes me wonder if sometimes they use the oil too long.
There are a lot of people out there that find nothing offensive about sour cream. I’ll never understand those people. I’ve learned how to live with them, share this planet with them if you will, because there are LOTS of them. But there’s something wrong with all of them.