Smurf village destroyed by UNICEF

Sgt. Smurfmann: Who said that? Who the smurf said that? Who’s the smurfy little communist smurf, twinkle-smurfed smurf-smurfer down here who just smurfed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy smurfing godsmurf said it. Out-smurfing-standing. I will smurf you all until you smurfing die. I’ll smurf you until your smurfholes are smurfing buttermilk.

We had to destroy the village in order to smurf it.

You mean…the UN is running an anti-war program that’s not going to work? :eek:

I can no longer sit back and allow Smurf infiltration, Smurf indoctrination, Smurf subversion and the international Smurf conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Seriously, something is severely f***ed up somewhere if they think the way to get through to people is by showing cartoon characters getting bombed because the public is too desensitized to the sight of real human suffering to care.

“I say we take off and nuke the entire Smurf village from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.”

“Smurfin’ ah!”

“Been here a week now, smurfin’ for an adventure, getting softer. Every minute I smurf in this room, I get weaker, and every minute Gargamel squats in the bush, he gets stronger…”

No, she dies in the bombing.

Can I just say that this commercial doesn’t make any sense - the nations they are talking about are too damn poor to afford aircraft to bomb stuff with. Now, if they showed the Smurf village attacked by men with AK’s, RPG’s, and large rocks, that would make slightly more sense.

Whenever I hear about Smurfs, I reminded of the Ventrue Brothers segment:

Henchman #1: Oh my god! I don’t believe what I’m hearing! Smurfs do not lay eggs!

Henchman #2: Dude! It’s a single female serviced by a collective of males! That implies an egg-laying society!

Henchman #1: Smurfs are mammals! Papa Smurf has a beard!


We have always been at war with the Smurfs.

Both Smurfs & Cobra Trooper uniforms are blue.

GI Joe just got confused, that’s all.

Imagine, if you will, that Picasso painted Guernica with smurfs rather than people as the victims of the Nazi bombings.

The name of the commercial should be “Smurfica.”

I’d love to see a picture of that.

I knew I should have kept an eye on this thread:

Anybody know of a good way to get rid of smurfs?

The goal of this commercial is to get people thinking about a classic Belgian childhood memory and then showing that in war, innocence is lost…or something like that.

Although I haven’t seen the film, after reading a quotation from it, I believe that Donnie Darko is responsible for the airstrikes. As he put it, “What’s the point of living if you don’t have a dick?”

You can’t forget Blue Lazer. After all, those lunatics once tried to blow up the ocean.

<oscar wilde>
One must have a heart of stone to see the destruction of a smurf village without laughing.
</oscar wilde>

Our 5 year mission is to bomb boldly like no smurf has been bombed before. We are the smurfs and smurfettes of the smurf ship Smurferprise.

Unless they’re being attacked by the Keebler Elves. I’m sure they’ve made enough money selling cookies and crackers to fund the building of a modern war machine. Besides, it’s obvious the pastoral and communistic Smurfs are an anathema to the capitalistic and corporate mindset of the Keeblers. A conflict between the two was inevitable.