Snowzilla Lives!!!

The city government people in the Office of Grinchiness outlawed Snowzilla this year. Complaints from neighbors, added to violations of city ordinances over the years by the property owner, resulted in the city shutting down the giant creation this year. Letters came in from all over the country protesting this action, and local people were pretty pissed about it. Not to be denied, people crept out of the darkness two nights ago and resurrected Snowzilla, effectively thumbing their noses at the city. Huzzah!

Look at the link and pic from Snowzilla At MSNBC
That is so cool


I was going to post about Snowzilla but thought I should do a search first. I’m glad I did. I hadn’t heard of Snowzilla before this year, and now I love him! There are a bunch of pictures and article clips here. Here are some links to videos about Snowzilla and the brouhaha.

Following that thread made me learn about the Bethel Snowwoman too, which is very cool.

Yes, Virginia, there is a 25 foot snowman…and he’s coming for you!

That’s a big fucking snowman.

Snowmen protesters appear at City Hallduring the night, carrying signs. Too funny. Next morning, they were plowed into the street by unamused city workers.

That’s awesome!

Somewhere, Bill Watterson is laughing his ass off.