So am I the ONLY Doper who watches Smallville?

Every Thursday morning, I sit down at my desk and eagerly read this week’s Angel thread, but I’ve noticed that it seems nobody else around here watches Smallville.

And what’s up with that? :slight_smile:

I’ve seen a few episodes now and then, and while the show is somewhat enjoyable for the villain of the week flavor, the overall story line is a painful drag. This most recent episode with the hacker girl does not change my opinion.

I’ll probably catch an episode next month to see if they’ve made Lex more evil or what.

Not the only one, but pehaps one of the few.

I started watching Smallville as soon as it started, and quickly lost interest. At first it seemed like WB was just riding the wave of “teenager with cool powers” shows that were doing well.

But I started watching it again this season, and I’m really quite enjoying it. They’re taking time to explain how he develops his powers, like the episode a few weeks ago where he was temporarily blinded and his hearing developed in its place.

The show is unique because we already know how it’s going to end, we’re just waiting to see how it gets there.

I, like others, am interested in seeing their take on Supes’ development, especially Lex’s descent into evil.

However, last night’s ep “Delete” was a “meh” at best. Maybe the whole subliminal bit through email is just utterly dumb. However, the hacker gal was easy on the eyes and it was great that Adam was pointing out all the silly faults Lana and others of her ilk have in regard to not saying what they feel.

I agree that last night’s episode was certainly lackluster, and about all it really did for me was prove that I hate Lana with just about every fiber of my being.

But it’s good to know that at least some other people watch it! :slight_smile:

Of course you hate Lana; it’s soooooo obvious that Lex and Clark are destined to be together :slight_smile:

I only watch it for the Hoyay. And, of course, the pretty bald guy…

I watched it a couple times. It was o.k., but didn’t really float my boat. Does it bother anyone else that shows these days, especially WB shows, seem to be more about a “look” than anything else? Ever since Baywatch, T&A seems more important than content. It’s like the guys’ biceps and the girls’ tits have to be just the right size, the hair has to be just so, and everyone looks like they have a fashion consultant in their room every morning when they get dressed. I just find it distracting to the point where I don’t even care to watch the shows. Or maybe I’m just getting old.:wink:

I like the long-term plot, but teh freak of the week and the character interaction could still use some work.

I’m also enjoying the new guy, Bruce…I mean Adam, more than I thought I would.

I’ve watched it from the beginning and while I love it, it doesn’t have the depth that Angel tends to. It has some great moments and Lex and Lionel are the show (really). Apart from some interesting twists, it is just a good fun show – I tape it, I watch it, it is on my list of “Must See” but it isn’t BTVS or Angel in terms of quality and depth.

BTW: I would be watching Birds of Prey if it were still on – though it had problems, it really did have GREAT potential and was just begining to be realized when it was cancelled.

Started watching this year and found the show to have alot of promise, often reminding me of the first two seasons of BtVs. It’s not Angel, but what is?

Certainly better then Star Trek: Enterprise

So my Wednesday night crew aren’t the only ones who think Adam might be a big ol’ Bruce Wayne setup? It seems more than a bit contrived, and I think the age is way off … but it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who sees batmen in the shadows …

Do you think the producers are trying to set up a side-story as to a reason why Batman and Superman eventually fight in the future?

Draelin, there’s some nice discussion about the show on this site. I go there for all my Smallville needs.

Lex and his evil daddy are the best characters, IMO, and the only ones who don’t make me routinely yell “WTF???” at the TV. The writing can be painfully bad (ex: “your silence is deafening” from last week ago), and the characters usually don’t behave in a remotely believable way, but moments like Lionel growling, “Are you threatening me?” to Chloe make it all worth while. That gave me shivers, I tell ya.

So, is Chloe going to become Lois Lane? That was confusing to me. Isn’t Lois supposed to be older than Clark?

There’s a bizarre, scholarly essay re: smallville in the latest issue of believer – something about smallville = good, metropolis = evil, corrupting force vis a vis midwest politics/ideology. The article is better than how that sounds.

Were there any episodes with Krypto the wonder dog, or where Jimmy Olsen gets strange powers? One thing I’ve noticed about this show is that it touches on various bits of Superman arcana, then drops them super-swiftly – like what happened to his glasses from last week?

I’ve watched Smallville since the end of season 1. Mostly, I watch it to make fun of it.

Pretty much the only thing I genuinely like about the show is Lex. He’s got the most depth and the best lines, and despite who he is and who he’ll become, you like him anyway.

Im another one who watches Smallville each week, its one of my favourite programs although sometimes the writing and ‘freak of the week’ ideas seem a little old. The show is still a lot better then some of the other garbage we get on our TV screens.

I think I actually prefer Smallville over Angel this season, although to be fair, Angel did only start back about 2 weeks ago.

I like Smallville a lot and think that it has a lot of potential. Most of the “freak-of-the-week” episodes were crappy, but many shows have growing pains.

My feelings for the cast break down like this:

Tom He’s good, and I’ll buy him as Superman. He pulls off the heroic farmboy perfectly.

Michael: Easily one of the high points of the show. You like him and fear him and feel sorry for the bad guy that he’s going to be, because he really doen’t have a choice.

Kristen: I have a friend who worships her. I’m pretty eh about her.

Allison: Mmmm, tasty. I like her a lot and think she’s doing a very good job.

John: A great villian. He was good with Rutger, and he’s a villian and a genuinlly compassionate father (or really good at faking it.)

The Kents: Both good and solid. I can see them raising a hero.

Pete: Who? Pointless and annoying.

And my spelling is, how you say, not so good? I meant to add that I also think that there’s a Bat in Lana’s belfrey.

I enjoy the show, even with problems. I like the characters even if their actions don’t make sense and they those weird Smallville-esq conversations. Clark’s confrontation with the evil scientist was a particularly bad example but at least there was some in-story excuse that he wanted him to make the phone call.

This was a strong episode for Chloe. Her fear, guilt and friendship all seemed real with no overly Smallvilly dialog.

According to the show yesterday Chloe is Lois’s cousin.

Chloe-Lana cat fight. Yum.

Er, Adam=Bruce Wayne. Hmm. He is the right age. What did Bats do between his parents’ death and becoming Batman?