SO and I moving into our first townhouse tomorow

Finally over! Now onto a new chapter in a new town with a house. It might not seem like a lot to a lot of you, but this will be our first house that we are leasing and we got a lot of freedom and even have a yard. I’m most excited to get cable again to be honest. That and I get to see how Richie (our maine coon) reacts with steps.

It’s going to be freshly painted, recarpeted and rather spacious than what we are used to.

Cheers to a new life! The movers are coming tomorrow and the cable techs are coming in the evening to set up the cable. The local coffee house guy gave me a free coffee today after I told him I won’t get to see him as often. He was all sad, but I said I’d visit. Love that dude!

Anyway, cheers!

A friend of mine has always lived in rented apartments, her whole life, and she’s in her mid-50s. She just closed on a small two-bedroom house, with a basement and a yard. we’re helping her move this weekend and she is way excited (plus a bit overwhelmed now that she’s going to have to take care of a yard and maintain a house.)

Congratulations on your new digs. :slight_smile: