So Bruce Jener is LGBT - Who gives a F*CK

Seems this is more of a media event. For me, meh. How’z about you?

I have a close family member with similar issues right now.

I’m sure I’m not the only person trying to cope with this.

So, I give a fuck. This is really about how suppressed these people have been, and how difficult it is to come out. I can’t even imagine.

Put yourself in anyone’s shoes who has to tell his or her family what he or she is really feeling inside, as in the opposite sex. Believe me, it’s difficult all around. And we don’t need jokes or anything.

I do not follow pseudo celebrities, but it seems impossible to ignore the Kardashians. In all truth, I do not really care one way or another about Bruce Jenner and his identity issues

Just to be clear, I’m too young to know him outside of the last few years. Having said that, his kids (the Kardashians) are pseudo-celebs. He’s a real celebrity. As much as any other enormously talented athlete.

Anyways, I liked the special. No flair, no “I’m here, I’m queer, get used to it”. Very low key and looking to keep it that way. But more so, it probably helped a lot of people on the same journey as him. In some ways he’s probably had it easier since he’s had a very supportive family and he spent much of his time in the closet OTOH, he probably has it harder since every move he’s made his been on the cover of something somewhere. Some of it totally false, made up for tabloid fodder.

Of course, if Kim K never made a sex tape, Bruce’s transformation would have taken place in the privacy of his own home. It probably would have made the news/TMZ/etc. There probably would have been some kind of specials about it, but there would have been a lot of ‘remember Bruce Jenner…’ stuff since if you’re under 40 you probably wouldn’t know the name and other than KUWTK he hasn’t really been in the media at all since the 90’s when he had some infomercials (which I don’t remember at all).

Anyways, if you don’t want to follow it, he’s made it pretty easy not to pay attention to him. It’s not like if Kim dyed her hair blonde or got pregnant or married and divorced and you’d have no choice but to know about it.

I watched part of the interview. I can’t imagine having to hide who you really are. I always hear how transgender, gay people know they were different at a very young age which seems to confirm it’s not a choice, like some people believe.
What a tough life. I just see this interview as one very small step in the right direction where someday we will have learned enough about sexual disorders so people won’t have to hide or deny who they really are.
I did like how he described it, The body of a man, the soul of a woman.

I guess you’re too young to remember Bruce Jenner in his heyday. He was the ideal man of the era.

It matters because it throws many people’s assumptions about trans people into disarray.

A long time ago I came to realize that anyone who is transgender is dealing with troubles far beyond my own, that I cannot begin to judge, and can only voice support for anyone brave enough to confront their soul.

all this has put me off my Wheaties.

Fuck you. Some of us have family members dealing with this. I said we don’t need any jokes. This is not a joke-worthy topic.

God made Bruce a man and man he will always be no matter what. Sorry, Brucie…but that’s the way it goes. It doesn’t matter one bit what you have done to your body.

All I see are serious issues going on here. No peace, no ‘courage’, no happiness. …Just serious issues, and I’m pretty certain that a severe hormonal imbalance is playing a part in all of it. Which I believe is often the case in situations like these.

Perhaps not, but you should know that this particular topic is only destined for jokes and sneers. I’m not saying it’s right, but that’s the way it goes. This kind of topic is a hot bed for anything but a civil discussion. …With all due respect, hang up your F words and let it go.

*Also, everyone has right to their opinion. I just stated my own and I’m certain you don’t agree with it, but I have a right to my opposing view regardless of whether or not you like or even understand it. Same goes for everyone else here.

Transgender issues are something I know I will never comprehend, on an empathy level. It’s beyond my even trying to figure out what it could be like to be inside the wrong body. But it’s become such a frequent topic of pop culture and news and social awareness that I feel like I’m being forced to acknowledge and respect a thing so huge I can’t begin to connect with it, and that cognitive dissonance is starting to make me irrationally angry about it all.

Like the OP, I also want to say “Who cares? Why are you telling me this? Why should it matter to me?” but that’s not fair of me. I’m being unnecessarily defensive.

We have many transgender folk, and others on the LGBTQ spectrum, here at the SDMB, and I imagine that will increase in number as they get the opportunities to figure that out about themselves and move forward, so I need to sort my own shit out about this. But at this stage I am irrationally annoyed at the feeling I am expected to care, when I don’t think I can.

You’ll care if your teenaged son tells you he’s transgendered.

I guess I’ve outed myself, and him, now.

It ain’t easy. It’s fucking really difficult. Really fucking difficult. I’ve been seeking counciling over this. I’ve been missing work over this. I’ve been a mess over this.

Well, I guess it’s out in the open now; Jab away.

‘Jab away’

Wow. Way to be a martyr. …If someone were to start jabbing away at you right now you’d be crying foul. But you just asked for it by acting like a big martyr over the whole thing, like this topic is suddenly about you.

Listen, and I mean what I’m about to say - I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult and emotional time about this family member of yours. Obviously you really care about them and that’s good to hear, but don’t take this thread and the jokes and what you may interpret as ‘hate’ personally. …There are a lot of opinions on this type of issue. You need to learn to handle the opposing views.

My opinion? Stop with the font shit.

No jabs. One in corner. Good luck (ear if needed).

No. :cool:

Hugs to you and yours, Leaffan.

When did you become a doctor and/or psychologist?

No matter how strongly you feel about the subject, directing a “fuck you” at another poster isn’t allowed. Don’t do this again.

No warning issued.