So, does anyone else try and use super powers?

Anyone try to use superpowers on the off chance that you develop them? The two I do most frequently are trying to stop time after I hit the snooze button and trying to keep a door closed with telekenisis. Up to this point results have been disappointing but I don’t see that stopping me. How much would it suck to have super powers but not know becuase you don’t try and use them? I am sitting here thinking how sweet it would be to stop time. Man what a wonderful day that will be if it comes.

Sometimes I can make them miss putts on TV.

I’m hoping to develop some sort of telekinetic power but it hasn’t happened yet. I probably need to expose myself to some mutating radiation first. Maybe everyone can do this since I’ve never asked anyone, but I can move some sort of muscle in my head that causes this sound in my ears, like hard rain beating on a shed roof. It’s really hard to describe. It hasn’t enabled me to move coke cans or pencils using only my mind yet, but maybe…someday…If anyone knows what I’m talking about, with the weird ear sound, please let me know!

Stopping time would be a nice one - good luck with it!

I used to stand around at work and try to bend spoons.

Hey, if Uri Geller could do it so could I.

Bend spoons with my mind :smack:

I try to cultivate my Supervillain side by staring intently at certain important people on TV, & trying to annihilate them by the poisonous intensity of my loathing.

I used to point my finger out of the car at various objects as I would pass, imagining what would happen if a laser shot out and how cool that’d be. Then I would get scared, thinking that if it actually happened, I might kill a lot of people. So then I made sure to go over the various people and objects I saw. This was all a loooong time ago, of course. Like two whole days ago.

Well, Batman style vigilante justice isn’t a superpower, but it is possible that a member of “The Magnificent Thirteen Subway Safety Patrol,” a.k.a the guardian angels might be posting here."guardian%20angels"&hl=en&lr=&

I can do this & frequently do when I’m trying not to be obvious about not hearing a certain annoying sound. I hadn’t noticed before but you’re right it does sound like a storm.

I try to unleash karmic justice onto people with my super karmic powers. It works most of the time. But it never works when I really want it to, which is when someone is being a total jackass on the road and I try to make a cop appear and pull their ass over. Still have some work to do perfecting my superpower, I guess.

I regularly try to kill people with my mind.

No luck so far.

I can leap tall buildings in a single bound. I’ve never done it, though, 'cause I’m afraid of heights.

I have successfully used my superpower this week in the MMP thread. My superpower is assigning new nicknames to people.

Of course, the other superpower I possess, shooting balls of energy out of my hands, is taking a little longer to develop.

There was a thread on that a while ago. Basically, it was discovered that a LOT of dopers can do it (including me). From what I remember, it is the ability to tighten a particular muscle in the inner ear. The tensed muscle vibrates causing the sound.

As far as the OP goes, I have Wonder Twin powers. I can communicate mentally with my bro. I’m still working on getting my power into “slave mode” where I can control him like a robot. That would be sick. “Go get me a soda, bitch!!!”

I sometimes attemt to project force-beams from the palms of my hands, to destroy something that is currently annoying me, ala any number of obscure villians in comics. Hasn’t worked so far, but I keep trying.

Of course, all males attempt the x-ray vision thing all the time! :smiley:

When the sidewalk is frozen I sometimes stare at it and try to melt the ice with heat vision. It never works on the ice, but I’ve melted 14 pair of glasses so far.

I can do it too. I can also make my ears click. Other people can hear it if they put their ear up to mine. With both the swishing and the clicking, I can either do both ears together or just the left. I can’t do just the right :frowning: They’re also louder in the left. A little off topic, but do you think some people are just better at controling their bodies than others? There’s a lot of stuff like this I can do.

And oh yeah, the last thing you should do is try to use powers. You can’t force it, you just have to allow it. Trust me.:cool:

As an irritable bowel syndrome sufferer, I have a paranormal ability that could be construed as a super power. I call it Asstral Projection.

The trick here is to flip the glasses around first.

Every few days, I attempt to use the Force. Because, if at any point, I gain control of it, I want to be on top of it.

Usually, I try to grab the remote or beer I left across the room, and while driving I tend to wave my hand at red lights, these-aren’t-the-droids-you’re-looking-for style in hopes of changing it. I also try to toss double-parkers and slow turners out of the way, similar to how Vader was “throwing” shit at Luke before he chopped Luke’s hand off.