So, I did not die

My family history is against me. I am 59. In 1975, I married the beautiful woman who saved my life three day ago.

I think that qualifies as a ‘win/win’.

Mazel Tov. Okay already??? :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats on NOT dying, your SO is to be thanked. Every day. For the rest of your life. Seriously.

As a fellow '99er, I’d like to thank her.

Judging from I’ve seen him say about her in the past, I think it’s a safe bet that he will let her know, often, how grateful he is and how much he values her. She must be a very special lady indeed.

This site was around in 1999?


Oh and congratulations! :smiley:

Sure thing, look at Cartooniverse and my join dates. And it was around earlier as a subset of AOL before the Internet took off.