I’m not happy working for my current employer so I started looking around. I put in a resume on a Friday and was called that Monday for an interview so seemingly I was a good fit. Fast forward a month and I have an offer. Terrific, but it’s lower than I had hoped and currently make.
I currently make a base salary of X. I may or may not get a yearly bonus of 0 - 0.1X. I also get/have to work a decent amount of overtime to augment my salary anywhere from 0.1 to 0.25X. So my salary ranges from X to 1.35X. But this work involves working about 50 or more hours a week. Benefits largely stink and I see little prospects for a future at this company.
So I interview at a new company and it seems like a great opportunity. Except they offer me 0.94X and the HR person admitted that it was low, but they have great benefits yada yada. Which is true - they certainly have better benefits than my current company. So taking away the OT and bonus from my current job, this new offer (including benefits) would probably be essentially 1.05X. It would also be nice not having to work so much overtime and having a better work life balance.
But during the interview they mentioned me finishing up my masters degree and taking a few courses at a local college (paid for by them). So this new job will require some additional training on my part along with the stress of starting a new job and reproving myself to another team. It just bothers me to take a 6% paycut in salary when I’ve been told by most everyone in my field that changing jobs is a surefire way to get your salary increased 7-10%. So their lowball offer really took me by surprise.
But I’m kind of to the point with my current job I would probably take it as is, but my pride doesn’t want me to without at least trying to negotiate.
[li]Should I try to negotiate?[/li][li]If so, how would you approach it?[/li][li]If I choose to accept, at what point should I tell my current employer? For example I have an offer, but telling them now would be bad because this offer could potentially be rescinded if I negotiate the wrong way and go too high. Once I have a start date?[/li][li]I feel I am very valuable to my current company, so should I in any way before accepting this offer go and tell them and try to get a promotion or increased benefits? Part of the reasoning for this is that my company has been in a position of power with regards to employees for a few years now (eroding benefits having no plan or vision). Now that I have options, part of me would like to REALLY see how much they value me as an employee and at least give them the chance to keep me if they really want me.[/li][/ol]
What would you do? Keep in mind each of these are companies with at least a few thousand people so they aren’t huge but aren’t tiny either.