So... I got married!

On the 16th of September we were married in Northern Ireland.
It was everything I’d hoped for, and the happiest day of my life (so far).
Even the little things that went wrong (like me losing my voice and a table collapsing at the end of the Best man’s speech) just added to the fun of the whole day.

Just back from our lovely honeymoon in Venice, enjoying married life, but not exactly thrilled to be back at the grindstone.

Thought I’d share some photos, more and better ones will be added later.


Congratulations! The pictures are beautiful (I love your dress)!

I wish you both a long and prosperous life together. :slight_smile:

Excellent. Nice looking couple. Congratulations.

Of all the decisions I’ve ever made in my life, the only one I’m sure I got right was getting married.

So what goes on at a wedding in Northern Ireland? Lots of drinking? Does anyone do a jig at the wedding?

Put it this way Trunk, we had 100 guests (including kids, elderly and teetotallers) and my dad ordered 50 bottles of wine, plus cocktails on arrival and a glass of champagne for the toasts. This is my father’s idea of paying for the guests to have a drink or two in order to break the ice.

“Lots of drinking” puts it rather mildly. The last guest was finally kicked out by the managment of the reception venue at 2am…although I believe that there was a small group of hardcore guys who sat up til 6am in the hotel playing pool and drinking room service whiskey.

Irishgirl, congratulations! I got nothing beyond that, but congratulations are always in order. I married an Irishgirl of my own, so I can heartily recommend it to your new hubby.

Now get back to work.

Excellent! Congratulations and many years of happiness to both of you. You’re a beautiful bride, and um…those sisters, they’re spoken for?

I’m kidding, happily married myself and I wish you the best!


Makes me think back to my wedding, which was also a relaxed affair which we thoroughly enjoyed.

We have been married 11 years now and I still get a thrill when I know he’s on his way home!

May you have a lifetime of happiness together.

May the roof above you never fall in, and may the love between you never fall out.

May your hands be stretched forth always in friendship, and never in want.

May you be buried in coffins made of the wood of a one-hundred year old oak tree that isn’t planted yet.

And may you grow old on one pillow.

May the Lord bless you both in His love, now and always.


Congratulations, where was the ceremony held?

It looks like you had a beautiful day!


Being married is so much fun. You look stunning in your pictures. Did you ask your husband what he was thinking the moment he first saw you in your dress? I asked mine and I never get tired of hearing it.

You and your sisters are stunning gorgeous!

May you have many, many wonderful years together. I wish you and your husband all the happiness in the world.


Congrats, *Irishgirl. You look so very happy together. May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness.

Mazel tov!


Woo Hoo!

How was Venice? Do you have any photos from there.
Since you are now married is it OK if I still have a crush on you or should I transfer my affections to your sisters?

Thanks for all the good wishes folks, you’re all so kind!

No photos of Venice online…but it was fabulous. Especially the icecream, the food and the fact that due to his poor Italian irishfella kept ordering litres of wine instead of bottles of wine…I love wine.

My sisters are most definitely beautiful, but neither is at all available (one being 17 years old, the other being madly in love with an art student). You can however play “which bridesmaid has the real tan and which got spray-on?” to your hearts’ content.

The wedding was at my parent’s church, just outside Belfast, and the reception was at Malone House in the city, which is an old Georgian manor house in parkland which has been converted into a conference centre and reception venue…it’s nicer than it sounds.

In the photo with your mother the one on the left has the spray on tan.

Sniff, sniff, that’s almost as lovely as the bride.


Congratulations. Wishing you both a lifetime of hapiness and joy.

Congratulations!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

So all the stressing and planning was worth it, I love happy endings.

Yay you! :slight_smile: