I have a large wolf tattoo across my lower back. I’ve had a few zits in there before, and it didn’t harm the tattoo in any way.
I’m not sure just how deep pimples/boils go, but I know that tattoo inks are imprinted in the second layer of skin. So, if the blemish doesn’t penetrate the second layer, I don’t think the tattoo would be damaged. But don’t quote me on this.
i don’t know that this qualifies as a skin condition but i have a tattoo on my lower stomach that i got pre-pregnancy and now it has some lovely stretchmarks through it. the colors are all blurry now.
This site had a plethora of information about tattoos, but I couldn’t find anything that specifically addressed tattoo damage caused by zits or boils. You could give this question a try GQ if you want.
Oh, yes. And if you do, could you put it in new thread called “Tales of Blood and Pus”? I thought that up as a title for a TMI pimple thread ages ago, but I’ve never had a story to go with it.
It was pretty cool and involved oozing pus and blood. More fluid than any normal pimple could muster. It hurt like heck and take it from me, you need to be a contortionist to sufficently lance a butt boil.
I actually had to drain it twice but I put some cream on and it is a tiny red spot now.
Thanks for all you concern I really was a bit scared that it might be spider bite at first, so I am happy to report that I am healing nicely.
I get these sometimes myself. Did you actually have to lance it? Or were you able to squeeze it open? And does anyone know, when does a pimple officially become a boil?
bclouse I actually did not “lance” it. I took a really hot bath and then mashed like hell.
It was so cool and made a slight “pop” when it finally burst…But it did hurt.
I must admit it to an odd sense of satisfaction upon successfully exploding the monster.
I am not sure what causes it and I wont speculate for fear of sounding idiotic?