So, I thought my baby had a cookie crumb on her gum...a TOOTH!

sniff My baby is growing up. At least now I know why she was so crabby the past few days.


Another milestone. Many more to come. Give your baby my congratulations :wink:

Thanks Rocketeer - I realize this isn’t an earth-shattering announcement, but I was just so…excited!:slight_smile:

It is exciting, isn’t it? And they grow up so darned fast, too (gee, what a cliche’)–before you know it she’ll be headed off to school. Sigh…

Next thing ya know…

TeenSthrnAccent is still sulking. “Mom this is the worst thing you and dad ever did to me. I’ll never make my kid do this.”

My daughter just got her first tooth a few days ago! I keep trying to look at it, but she puts her tongue in the way.

Poysyn, dear, are you still breast-feeding?

I was wondering the same thing summerbreeze.

Trying to remember what we did for in comming new teeth for soothing. I know I used orajel, but I’ve now heard when used alot that can be bad later down the road. It was 13 years ago.
Frozen wash cloths, and frozen bananas. After they chew on the nanas for a while they are all mushy so it’s not as much as a choking hazard as it sounds. When they get more teeth to chomp of bites no more nanas or those zweback cookies.
Another thing is a few of my heathens got ear infections while teething so keep an eye out for that sign.

And thank you for sharing! My oldest starts high school this year, and my youngest is in first grade and I miss all the exciting baby first. Although we have a whole slew of new ones.
Gosh, I miss babies. Can’t wait to hear from you guys about first steps!

Yes, I am still breastfeeding, although am feeling like it could be on borrowed time, that little tooth-tip is sharp.

My daughter is basically doomed to braces, both my hubby and I had them, so chances are…

angelicate - It is tough to see it alot, that little tongue just darts right out. I have had to satisfy myself with feeling it alot.

Congrats. I’m still waiting for my little guy’s first. Could be any day now…

Kricket - Anytime you would like to babysit, come on by :slight_smile:

I saved every one of my kids baby teeth that I could. I have a clay jar and it says “Baby Teeth” on it. It is a sacred jar. I can look at some of the teeth and tell you which child it belongs to.
There are a LOT of teeth in the jar!

I hear that, and see a device for tormenting small children

“You know what happened to the last kid that woudn’t go to bed…”