so i want to start a superteam...

i want to be a superhero…so bad that i would seriously subject myself to some crazy experiment to become one…does that make me crazy? anyway, my question is, what is the best way to go about starting my own superhero group? has this ever been done before? i am an artist, working on starting my own comic book, which i thought would put some of this anxiety behind me…but alas, no, i still want to fight bad guys…
so, if anyone could help me out, or wants to be a superhero, let me know.
crazy jt

I’ve always wanted to fight crime, battle bad guys and help Rid The World Of Evil…

actually, I just want to meet some super-hero gals. Have you SEEN those costumes that the Super-Hero Union (local 1011) requires them to wear?! WoooHoooo!!!:smiley:

So I’ll be first in line to volunteer for your team. I am the World’s Biggest Bore, and can make any Bad Guy either run screaming from his crime scene or fall asleep in a dead faint.

Always handy to have around.

Me! Me! Me!

I wish I were more original though. Mr. Furious in Mystery men stole my schtick!

I was a superhero when I was younger.

One of my older brothers, my younger sister, and I formed the Crimefighting Commission when I was in second grade or so.

I was the Charger, a lightning boy-type thing that wore red pajama bottoms under green shorts cut in the shape of briefs and yellow baseball sleeves with a lightning bolt on my chest. I wore a bright red cape that I borrowed from a Satan costume (back in the olden days when you could be a devil for Halloween.) My weapon was the lightning lace: A baseball batting glove with a really long shoelace threaded through the little holes in the finger of one of the gloves. I tied knots in the end to make it like a whip. I was pretty proficient with it. I could whip it around doorknobs and open doors, pick up things with it and whatnot.

My brother was the treemaster, I won’t really go into his costume, but his weapon was a mace-like thing with two pine-cones, and a thick section of broom handle that he kept on his back.

My little sister was the Scratcher. Her long nails were her weapon because the wolverine-like claws we tried to make for her out of sticks never really worked.

Anyway, my brother and I actually sparred on the deck and had some pretty good battles with our weapons, and no one ever really got hurt. But man could I use that lightning lace, especially when my brother would hurl the mace at me and I would whip it out of the air and back in his face…heh…good times.

We never really fought any bad guys, the only public appearance was when we went to my other older brother’s football practice and set up base in one of the trees. Most people just kinda stared, but a few kids, the really young ones, thought we were cool.

So, in short, you become a superhero by using your imagintation.

Unfortunately, that’s the only way.

I would like to be a Super Hero. I’ve even been subject to injections of weird chemicals and bombarded by radiation. Sure, it was Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy, but I know my comic book science and I was supposed to gain Super Powers. Don’t get my wrong, I’m glad it got rid of the cancer. But I still feel cheated.

Anyway, if you start your own comic, I want in. I’d be happy being fictionalized in whatever way possible.

yeah, my only regret about doing my own comic is that i would have to draw myself…ugh…i would love for someone else to draw me as a hero…any good looking comic book artist type guys avaliable?

and sorry you got cheated out of the powers…

You could always go play Freedom Force.


Reading what Trion said I immediately thought of this:

Damn those guys at PA rock!

It might load slow but it is well worth the wait.

Have you read the book How To Be A Superhero? There’s an entire chapter on how to choose and join a superteam…

so let’s see, we have charger, the bore, a psuedo-mr. furious, and Trion (which is a kick ass super-hero name, by the way) and me…well, that works! anyone else?

Ooo! Can I be the calm but dramatic voice of the computer?

“Two hyper-destructive evilbots have just materialized in Sector Seven.”

“Intergalactic implosion will begin in 12 minutes.”

Well, I was able to dematerialize those evilbots with the dematerializing function of my Lightning Lace here in Sector Seven, but I can do nothing to stop the intergalactic implosion. Computer, what can you do to stop it?

Why, thank you. :slight_smile:

“Trion” is kick-ass? It sounds like someone who browses clothing stores but never actually buys anything.

I, however, am TeKnoGeeK, able to fix computers and… fix 'em again!