so I was stroolingalong one day...

…with my favorite friend, Chippy the Friendly Neighborhood Sea Anemone, when Chippy squaked (an anemonish squak, if you will), “Hey, Teppei, with your demi-god status, you must run into lots of problems dealing with mortal flora and fauna!”

“How do you mean?” questered I.

“Well, for one thing, I know that trees nudge out of your way so that their dirty bodies won’t soil your ethreal presence. What happens when you walk in a rain forest? Wouldn’t the trees get all cluttered?”

“Chippy,” I patiently replied, “you wacky anemone, don’t you know that trees can also uproot themselves? The trees on the edge jump out of the ground to make room for the trees in the middle!”

Chippy smacked his head, for indeed it was a foolish question.

When Chippy whacks his head, as he often does, he does so with his head tilted, and therefore noticed the birds floating above my head. Another thought occured to him: “Teppei, with all these beautiful birds flying above you to announce your presence to the world constantly, what happens when they need to poop?”

I laughed heartily. When I was done, I answered, “Why, Chippy, dont’ you know that the only birds that fly above me are the one’s that excrete flowers? That’s why there are no flower throwers in front of me throwing petals for me to walk on. It’s rather convienient!”

That goofy Chippy, he slapped his forehead twice for that silly pondering.

An hour and 47 smacks later, Chippy finally asked “Teppei, I know that a new lesbian super model that’s well endowed with a name like Kushy Bimbolino (I got that name from Outland, btw) declares herself straight at the site of you once a day. Now, the world supply of lesbian well endowed super models with names like Kushy Bimbolino can’t be that big. What are you gonna do then?”

“Chippy, you…ah…I mean to say is…”

I was lost. The thought had never occured to me. So, I did the only thing I could do: I threw Chippy into an oncoming truck.

I then ran to my house and hid (well, as best I could hide with birds hovering eveywhere). I couldn’t think of an answer to that question. So, I decided to go online and have everyone else do the thinking for me. Any takers?


disregard the previous post. late night at work, and I felt like typing taht up. changed my mind right after I clicked ‘post reply.’

jeez, eveyone probably thinks I’m a crackhead now. ah, well, what can you do?

well… it was mundane… and definatly pointless…
but still… I give it a 1.2 overall… too much self indulgence and no action, was there even a plot?

I liked it! I give it 8.6!

But why did chippy have to die? :frowning:

You are on CRACK!

But I enjoyed it

chippy didn’t die, he just got bruised up a bit. He likes it. he’s a very sado-masochistic sea anemone, and to have a chance to be thrown into an oncoming truck by me is something to look foward to.

You need the anemone available through the red door of the immortals’ sidekick shack. They ask less annoying questions. The ones through yellow door are too wise for someone of only demi-god status. You got the green door, duty free channel, stupid anemone sidekick. You should ask for your money back (but not at the blue door).

so…which door do I go to? CUz chippy is really starting to chaff my butt.

The red door - if you couldn’t work that out, I don’t think you’re even eligible for demi-god status. You’ll have to downgrade to hemi-demi-god status for a while - which means that you are stuck with chippy. Chippy is part of the trials that prove your worthiness for demi-god status. So far you have failed…be careful or the birds will fly away too!

I think there is only one way to end this teppei, you are going to have to eat chippy.

beckons Chippy over
“Chippy, c’mon over, I got something to show you!”
Chippy warily waddles over
“What is it, oh powerful hemi demi god?” he mocks. That does it, this sea anemone’s gotta go.
throw’s Chippy in the path of a truck again, to make a more maleable anemone
whips out crock pot
hmm…lets see…I’ll need some minced onions, salt, pepper, Ragu, basil, a bay leaf or two, an egg, some vermouth…
…mmmk, mix it all together, and cook for 8 hours…
so, the anemone balls should be done by…5:30.

Finger lickin’ good :wink:

smacks IQ’s hand
I said, wait till 530!
and what did I say about licking fingers at my house, ma’am? Now go wash up before I have to beat you with a wooden fork.

ouch! ::sucks on fingers and pouts:: anyways it’s after 5:30 now. What DO you serve with anemone balls? Oh hemi demi god?

DAMN, I forgot to turn off the crock pot!
runs over and turns off pot
looks inside
whipes forehead
…it looks like we’ll be having cajun anemone balls. I guess gumbo would be an appropriate side. Good thing I had enough Chippy left over for that!
hour later
whelp, dinner’s ready. anyone up for Anemone Surprise?

the only surprised one was Chippy!

whipes mouth
That was good anemone!
Now, how to go about becoming a demi god again…

Fish and Chippies, anyone?


just read this thread again, and, golly, I am funny, aren’t I? spends 45 minutes basking in own glow

me thinks I’ll make a sig referring to this thread…