So I'm hammered...

I haven’t been drunk and happy in a long time…so I figured I’d let you all enjoy. I turn halfway to 70 on Sunday!!! Wooohooo. Who figured I’d make it this long? (ha, sober enough to correct that to a question mark!!! Boooya biatches!).

Anyhow, I ran my trivia league tonight, people were pretty happy, people bought me a bunch of Guinness and Tullamore Dew. Good friends, good booze, good games of darts…shit, it doesn’t get much better than this. Well, yeah it does, just served me up some Dylan…a little Simple Twist of Fate. Even fits!!! I got along famously with my ex-ex-GF. She’s not a bitch…just a simple twist of fate!

Goddamn!@!!! Cecil rules! You folks on the Dope rule! Especially you Thurs poker game whoremongers!!!

Just hoping to share a bit of my rare exuberant mood with you all! As long as I stay out of the Pit, the Dope is wonderful for me.

Kick Ass Mofos!

How about them Steelers?


:::waves Terrible Towel::::

yessir, Mad Hermit !!! Muchos Gracias!!!

Somewhat surprisingly, that’s the exact response I was looking for. However, everything else, including go to bed you drunk would be appreciated. Happy Impending Birthday would be cool too.

It’s almost your birthday? Have a happy one if it is.

Mine was Tuesday.

I got my present a month early this year. :wink:

Mad Hermit happy B-Day you March B-Day bastard. Yup, mine’s on the twelfth.

If I recall right you’re in Indiana, PA. What’s news in the woods? :slight_smile: What did you get good for your early Birthday?

I don’t know ye, but I wish your trivia-running, SDgeekin’ @ss a happy birthday all the same. Remember, halfway to seventy isn’t even legal on the freeway.

thank you kind sir or madam as the case may be!!! :slight_smile:

Tortuga, you’re a good Doper, as well as a spot in the Carribbean!


My own birthday is next monday, my aunt on tuesday.

Does halfway to seventy mean 35? I know it sounds like a dumb question but I have relatives who count decades and a grandma who’s 8. 8 to 100, that is.

While you’re in a good mood/hungover – can I have Munich, please?

Happy Birthday, CapnPitt, but a big no-no on posting whilst drunk.

'Tis closed.