So, I've got a fucking convicted child rapist as a co-worker now!

I just found out today that one of my new co-workers was convicted of raping a 7 YEAR OLD GIRL AT GUNPOINT and my dipshit boss hired this scumbag knowing full well what he did. This has already resulted in the entire front office staff leaving and I don’t think I can stay either. My workplace is right next to an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, for Christ’s sake! I already got a weird, unsavory vibe from the guy, but I chalked that up to just his being another asshole salesman, but oh brother was I underestimating him bigtime. I’ve seen the report on the state offender database and this SOB is as good a candidate for lifetime incarceration as I’ve ever heard of.
What’s really got me pissed off is that I’ve put up with all kinds of bullshit for this job, knowing that I could leave for more money elsewhere, but I thought I was part of a community of friends that could trust each other, but apparently, that is not the case.

I’ve heard that there might be a picket at my workplace during a P.R. type event soon, and I don’t think I will cross it, except to load up my toolboxes and leave for good. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but if there’s one thing I can’t fucking stand is a GodDamn child rapist!

What the fuck are my repeat customers supposed to think when they hear about this fucking disgustoing pervert working here if I choose to stay? I’ve worked my fucking ass off for YEARS learning my craft and building my reputation for it to come to this?

Anybody need a good motorcycle technician? Looks like I need a new job. :mad:

GEEZ - your boss is strange (to put it mildly). I can see giving people a second chance. HOWEVER – raping a 7 year old girl ? I think NOT !!!
Perhaps your workplace being in the vicinity of an elementary school could put an end to this guy’s employment and no need for picketing. Just a thought.

I’ve been told that his parole officer has no problem with the proximity of the school.

He (the P.O.) has supposedly visited our shop.

oh, and (allegedly) our Esteemed Boss said something to the effect of 'they’re just niggers and mexicans(the kids at the school), who cares? - but I didn’t hear that myself, but it wouldn’t suprise me much.

Has he served his time? Does his punishment include never getting a job again? Does his job involve working with children?

The close proximity to the school is of concern, but I don’t really see the pitting in this one.

This is not a driveby post, but a genuine question; why shouldn’t the guy be allowed to work there? He’s either paid his debt to society or has been exonerated by the court, and he has to work somewhere.

Because raping 7 year old girls at gunpoint is tradition in your family? :dubious:

Holding someone at gunpoint who is already smaller and weaker than you to get what you want… nah, there’s NO way that could ever apply to anyone besides a child.

Yeah, I’d worry about being next to a school, too. Is the guy supposed to never go outside on break?

I agree, and I’m far from a bleeding heart when it comes to violent criminals. Being near a school sounds like a problem, and I certainly wouldn’t speak to the guy any more than the bare minimum necessary to get the job done, but he needs to work somewhere. And it seems to me the more free time he has, the more time he has to do stuff like rape people.

What about holding someone just as strong as you to gunpoint? Wouldn’t that make him an even more dangerous person? And yet, I get the feeling that if he’d raped an adult with a weapon wheelie wouldn’t be making this thread.

Well, if I’m not mistaken, he’s pitting the fact that the child rapist has a job, and I don’t see why he shouldn’t.

But it’s not like wheelie has launched some fiendish plan to harass the man into quitting or try to get him fired. Quite the contrary – he’s going to look for another job himself.

Because any respectable manager shouldn’t hire a child rapist.

Unfortunately, “serving his time” rarely seems to prevent sexual predators from repeat offenses. The idea of paying your debt to society is also meaningless - to the person who was attacked, to the family of that person, and to any future targets. Nobody pays the debt to them. Locking some guy up (and letting him go again) doesn’t pay them for what they suffered.

I don’t understand why the parole officer has no difficulty with the man working in close proximity to a grade school. What, do they think this guy won’t reoffend?

And yeah, I suppose the guy has to work (unless he wants to go on the dole, or go back to prison and be supported 100% by society), but that doesn’t mean people have to be willing to work with him. His choice was about as offensive to society at large as any choice anybody can make, and yeah, he’ll be paying for it for the rest of his life. But he made his choice. Other people are certainly allowed to choose, too…to shun him, avoid, picket, protest, and despise him. Probably for the rest of his life. Even if he swore on a stack of Bibles that he’ll never touch a child again, why should anybody believe him? There’s a news story every other week about some child who disappears into the home or hands of a convicted, known, identified (but out of jail because they paid their debt to society) sexual offender, and is never seen alive again.

I feel for the OP. Good luck finding new work, if that’s the direction you need to take.

Open up a shop of your own called “The Shop Where We Don’t Have a Child Rapist Working and the Owner Isn’t a Racist Pig”

Why not?

A convicted child rapist working near a school? That’s insane. Frankly, it shouldn’t have even reached this point. The system should have taken care of him via incarceration, or the death penalty in the first place.

Child rapists are the lowest of the low. We assume that raping kids is all they think about. They deserve a degree of social stigma.

FlyingRamenMonster has a point though, either execute them wholesale, or let them try to make themselves better. Recidivism is not pretty, but it’s not a foregone conclusion either.

Sexual offenders. Kill 'em all, or let them try to make good on life.

Double standards like this make me sick. Either condone the execution of anyone that has ever committed a sexual offense, or admit that people can change.

People make mistakes, learn from them, and stop making those mistakes, that’s what our penal system is based on. Habitual murderers, rapists, and other felons need to be either locked up or extinguished if they can’t be changed. Those that have the ability to become normal citizens do not need added pressure in order to secure a job, or find a home.

If you need to villify these people, lobby for the need to incarcerate or execute them. Living with a spotlight on one’s house is not living.

Let’s kill him. There’s no chance of him being reformed. Dead people are better than traumatized kids. Lets never allow him to be gainfully emplyed, that’ll make him better.

Campaign to have him executed, you’ll make more sense.

The state paroled the guy.

He needs a job, or would you rather just pay him welfare for the rest of his life.

No, you want the man to just go away.

As far as the repeat offender rates go, I’m no expert, but I’m pretty certain that it is not 100%. Sure, you hear about it on the news all the time. But they don’t ever do a report on the ex-con that just goes back to work.

How did the OP find out his crime? Don’t they usually keep these things quiet?

Why would your customers ever need to find out about him or how would they find out about him? All they need to know is if the guy can fix their motorcycle?

What are his hours like? Is there actually any way he could harm one of the kids? If his PO doesn’t have a problem with him working by the elementary school, maybe there’s a reason other than the bigoted views you assume he has. Like, the guy’s clock-in, lunch break and clock-out are all at times where no interaction with the kids is possible. If they’re in class when he gets to work and goes to lunch, and they’re all home by the time he gets off work, I can’t imagine how he could actually interact with one of the kids.

But that’s a lot of ifs.

If I were a convicted rapist and I were trying to put it behind me, I would think that I would cut myself off from anyone resembling the victims as much as possible–to cut down on the bad memories and the temptation. But then again, maybe he’s trying to be there next to the school in a situation where he can’t actually take one of the kids so that he can grow to control himself–kind of like how an agoraphobic would step out to the driveway but not actually cross the road the first time he leaves his house.

The whole front office is picketing and quitting. Think of how a man who’s paying off his debt to society feels when everywhere he goes he’s spat on and ostracized. Making him feel like more of an outsider–making him more likely to do it again to ease his pain. If he makes a child at that school his victim, I hold every picketer responsible. You think shitting all over his attempts to give back to the society that’s healing him is going to make him more likely to resist his temptations? Of course we have a high recidivism rate. It’s probably hard enough for a monster to get over his temptations, and then he’s cast out of every responsible thing he tries to do. Do you think that makes him feel like he owes something to society?

I agree with dnooman that if we really think he’s innately unable to change we should put him on the chair. He’s only going to waste our money on the inside, or on the outside he’ll be so reviled that he’ll probably figure his lot can’t get any worse if he rapes another child. I’m willing to bet the alienation he felt from society was a factor in the first crime. I’m not saying society is to blame for what he did–after all, he’s the one who did it–but I agree with dnooman that we need to pick one side or the other. Either he can change through taking responsibility at work–or he can’t and we should stop his life in its tracks.

Why yes! We gather every year at Christmas for the annual gun-child-rape-athon. It’s much fun!