So my mom's getting remarried tomorrow...

…It’s weird. Doug’s an alright guy, but they’ve only known each other since about February. One the one hand, I’m happy that she’s found someone. She’s been alone essentially since she and Dad divorced about 16 years ago. He remarried 14 years ago, and stayed married to Jan until his death this past January. Mom basically raised three kids by herself (I’m the middle of three boys), and it wasn’t easy. I grew up with the idea of my parents not being together, so that’s not the issue. And I want my mother to be happy. So that’s not it, either. I just want tomorrow over with. I hate ceremonies.

Yeah, it’s a weird feeling, isn’t it?

My dad married 3 times: [ul]
[li]first to my mom (ending in divorce after 13 years after having an affair with First Stepmother #1)[/li][li]second to my first stepmother, whom I adored; and[/li][li]third (after Stepmom #1 had an affair on him, proving the old adage: What Goes Around, Comes Around) to a woman that I always felt was a money-grubbing, self-absorbed weirdo. What she was doing with my dad, the poor, self-employed contractor, I’ll never know.[/li][/ul]

I was proved right with #3 (not that I had ever voiced my opinion on her to Dad) when she started going through menopause and really turned into a freak and told Dad she needed “to live on her own for a while” not to mention the almost psychotic mood-swings. Dad said if she walked out, she might as well call it quits cause he wasn’t playing any more of her games. Thank Gawd!

Anyway, Dad’s put the kybosh on the ol’ marriage game and just dates around. He’s dating a very nice special-ed teacher now whose husband died about 18 months ago. Seems to be a super lady.

Dad’s just glad his VA benefits have kicked in so he can get some Viagra :stuck_out_tongue: Go Dad!