Loving this show. Hilarious. Apparently a lot of critics are, too.
I used to think of her as an untalented, spoiled, unattractive bimbo coasting off her daddy. Now I love her- she actually seems to be someone I could hang out with and we could share some laughs. I don’t know how I get all that from seeing her on a TV show, but there it is there. And she doesn’t seem ugly to me anymore, but that could be the result of a lot of plastic surgery.
I’ve watched and enjoyed it, but I still think that is one of the homeliest girls ever to be on TV. I can’t put my finger on exactly what the problem is, but there’s no denying that there’s a big problem with that face. The show is amusing, but no way would I want to hang with this shallow, silly girl. I heard her interviewed on Adam Corolla a while back, and she is truely vacuous.
Due to this show, I’ve forgiven Tori a multitude of sins. I like the show. It makes me think, it’s clear she’s having a good time and the send-ups are hilarious!
I enjoy the show, also. I think my turn-around with Tori was her performance in Trick. She’s a pretty good comedic actress and doesn’t take herself too seriously, which makes her likeable.
This show certainly is a guilty pleasure, but it is entertaining. I am forming a major, major crush on her gay Iranian friend - is “Sassoon” really his name, or just a nickname like “Toto”?
My only problem with the show is Loni Anderson. Not her performance - since she is very funny - but seeing the awful, longterm effects of bad surgery. It looks like someone threw a bucket of acid on her face! (Well, I always did think Bailey was cuter anyway.)
The LA times described her (Tori) as a gay icon. I must have missed the meeting where that got voted on, cause I don’t know any other gay guys that think of her that way.
I love it. Love it. Like the scene in the “Wholeness” ep where Sassan and the other gay guy were getting “ungayed” and were in the sauna getting all hot and sweaty talking about how much volume Sassan’s “girlfriend” had and then they just start making out and pressing their sweaty man-bodies up against each other. And then Tori comes busting in and Sassan gives her that “Do you not see that I am getting hot man sex in here?” look. Good times.