So. "The Karate Kid." Is the karate all bullshit or what?

All that wax on, wax off, paint fence. paint house, crane style, toy drum business. Any actual karate there or is it all nonsense?

Ralph Macchio is gonna kick your ass.

Well, thats not the way I was taught, but no…not all BS. The wax on/off thing is pretty classic blocking (the way I was taught you cross your arms, one fist/arm pointed down the other up…the upper fist/arm circles down, the lower one circles up. Sort of a two-fer wax on wax off I guess). Paint the fense looks more like one of the southern Chinese styles than Okinawa (I studied Kempo Jitsu myself), but I suppose it would work ok for blocking…I’m used to a more circular down block where the arm swings across the body and ends parallel to the forward bent knee (its hard to describe in words). Crane style is real enough…I don’t go for that sort of thing myself mind you. Toy drum…well, attacking and defending with circular motions is real enough…its not a big mystery either.

Mind you, I seriously doubt anyone could learn karate quickly with these methods (certainly not fast enough to win a tournament, let alone fight to the death). Not that you could learn karate fast any way, and I suppose the idea was to build muscle memory in old Danial-san…but its not just about putting your arms up in a certain way…its about angles, zones of defense, reflexes, etc. You really need to have someone swinging at you several thousand times before you get exactly WHEN to block or strike…you don’t just get that from painting a fence.


According to my S.O., when she “Karate Kid II” watched during its Japan release, the audience started laughing when everyone brought out those mini-drum toys. She said those things are just for kids to play with.

Stick your head inside the door of an urban dojo, scream your worst insult and dare someone to come out and fight you.

watch Fred Ettish fight in the UFC.

that stuff works.

Karate Kid is a silly movie. turns up nose

Ok, maybe I’m being a little snooty. Just maybe.

Leroy Green could kick Daniel San’s fence-painting ass any day! :stuck_out_tongue:

I just saw the end of this movie a week or so ago after not having seen it for years. What was up with the Mr. Miyagi clap hands and heal Daniel’s knee? After a kick like he took I’m a little surprised he didn’t have some severe knee damage. A torn ACL or something at least. Hell, playing indoor I got a much less sever kick than that and my ACL was gone along with a chunk of meniscal cartilage.

Sho 'nuff!

I wonder about that sometimes. One thing about UFC, it’s usually to both fighters’ advantage to take it to the ground—less chance for a knockout blow, less chance for nasty damage, since usually it ends in a submission. I wonder, in real life, where you can’t “tap out,” if things would work that way. Sure, some fights go to the ground, but most people don’t TRY to go to the ground and I don’t think going to the ground would work as well when you’re not matched with someone in your weight class.

How can Miyagi be a proper mystical wizard guide without some mystical wizard powers?

One thing about the movie is they don’t make a big point about how much time passes–they’re training for months. All the initial stuff Miyagi has him do is just grunt work to get him in shape–if the guy’s too weak to throw a hundred punches, you can’t teach him how to throw a punch. If he doesn’t have the strength to block, he can’t learn how to do it. He’s got to be able to do the physical movements, a bunch of times, before he can learn what to do with that strength.

On the other hand, anybody stupid enough to walk into a jumping front kick doesn’t deserve to wear a black belt from any dojo.

watch some of those “wildest street fight” type videos (or go to a rowdy bar).

most “street” fights will go to the ground pretty quickly (within 3-4 seconds), and 99% of people will have no idea what to do when they get there. it’s not that people want to take it to the ground, it’s the fact that once most people start punching/pushing they forget about things like balance. once you’re on the ground, your head becomes a good target for bystanders to kick and stomp.

This was the case in all of the street fights I was in in my youth, and is why I trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The groundfighters tend to have the most success in the UFC-style competitions. They just have to be able to withstand a bit of abuse before they are able to get the other person to the ground.

Well, what I am saying is, when someone goes to the ground in a street fight, it’s because they’ve been put there and are about to be pounded. If you’re going to train how to survive a street fight, it seems that planning on going to the ground THEN fighting is a bit ass-backwards. Why not train to not LET the other guy put you on the ground? I’d rather train to not let the other guy hit me rather than train to get close enough for him to do it.

If this was as easy as you make it sound, groundfighters wouldn’t have the success that they do in UFC-type competitions. Street fights usually end on the ground in a sort of mutual tackle. A typical person is going to try to tackle you once they realize you’ve got skillz as a stand-up fighter. It’s best to know what to do once you get there, because you’re not always going to be able to avoid getting tackled.

there is obviusly no need to learn street-fighting when you know “the crane”

Hey my man, “the crane” is useless against “the glow”!

Bring your “glow”.

Meet my Glock.

Have you even SEEN The Last Dragon?!?! The one with “the glow” **CAN CATCH BULLETS WITH HIS TEETH!" :smiley: