So this dude calls me a fat nigger bitch......(long)

3am this morning, after a Girls night in, my younger sister and I walk her girlfriend down to the next major intersection so that she can take a 10min bus ride home. Several other Black females are also waiting for the 24hr bus.

Across the street is this woman who could possibly be prostituting herself. I say possibly, because she is visibly drunk, by herself and wearing some skimpy clothing while standing at the side of the road. As we’re standing there trying to figure out what this chick was doing, this guy appears from somewhere walks up to her and they start drunkenly going at each other. They decide to venture out into the middle of the road several times just to rub up on eachother some more. Now, they didn’t appear to know each other, just enjoying eachother’s drunk company on a busy street. One of the times they were groping each other in the middle of the road, a car comes close to hitting them so they decide to take it up on the median.

So, we’re all standing there watching these two, I say to my sister, we’re going to see these two on CP24 tomorrow morning (a 24 hr Toronto newstation) and start doing a mini newscast and at that, we all start laughing loudly.

Guy decides he didn’t like us laughing and come running from the median with the woman in tow almost getting hit by the arriving bus. He starts yelling something, but we couldn’t really make it out. Next thing you know, he in my face yelling “YOU FAT NIGGER BITCH!!! YOU FAT NIGGER BITCH!!!” At this point, all the people were lining up to get on the bus. He runs over to the line, which happen to all be Black women, yelling “FAT NIGGER BITCHESS!!!”

All of us stood there dumbfounded. Later, we figured it was the shock of having someone call you a nigger bitch for no good reason. The bus driver waves the lineup unto the bus, but my sister and I aren’t getting on the bus, so the guy runs back to me and starts screaming in my face “nigger bitch, yea! i called you a nigger bitch!” At this point I’ve backed up a couple of steps threatening to drop kick his ass.

But then, common sense got the better of me and realized that this was a drunken fool. That it wasn’t even worth shouting insults at. But then he was all up in my face again, waving his cigerette in my face calling me all kinds of names ending in Nigger Bitch.

At that point, my sister is holding me back, the whole bus is watching me to see if I’m going to really take this fool down. After getting hit with a pop bottle from a person on the bus, and a big Latino dude asking him to take him on, my sister pulls me away.

I was furious. Beyond furious. But at the same time, I was laughing but the guy was drunk. But the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. That guy didn’t just call me a bitch, he didn’t just call me fat, he called me a fat nigger bitch. And it made me think, all the thoughts going thru my head at the time were , asshole, jackass, dumbass drunkard, but not once did I think, fucking cracker. not once.

On the walk home, my sister and I talked about how much it hurt to be called a nigger bitch. how it seemed like in fight or nasty argument we got into as kids, teenagers, if it was against white people, the first thing that flew from their mouth was the word nigger.

As a grown woman in Canada, I didn’t think I’d ever hear that name in reference to me. I remember back in high school in Hamilton , this guy who was known to be part of a mafia family (and he is now serving time for murders he did while he was in high school) had written nigger on my locker because he didn’t like how i didn’t bow down to him and his crew…

But I’m a grown woman now. And it hurts just as much, probably even more now because I didn’t think that it was ‘outloud’ like that. Sure, I get the occasional undercover biased comments, but I got used to those. Its the obvious ones that throw me off. Then I rememeber that I’m in Canada where the racism is opposite of the ones experinced in the States, which is sometimes blatant and obvious, meanwhile in Canada, they just keep to themselves and hurl them at the appropriate times.

In the end, it makes me wonder what I prefer…the sometimes in your face racism of the United States or the blindside you racism of Canada…

Did you run him over?

nope. i was walking. wouldn’t have solved anything anyways…next thing you know, his family thinks that he was run over by some fat nigger bitch…

vivian, I’d be just as shocked if this story had taken place in the United States as in Canada. That is not acceptable behavior anywhere civilized humans live. Unfortunately, the barbarians don’t seem to notice political boundaries - they’re everywhere.

What an asshole. My first reaction is to wish you had kicked his ass, but a dipshit like that isn’t worth your energy. I’m sorry you had to endure this.

I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve to have to experience that. Living in the South, no matter how much we try to say that racism doesn’t exist here as bad as it once did, it still does. I grew up hearing that word. For a long time I didn’t know it was a bad word to call someone. When you are a little kid, you don’t know. Now most parents teach their kids it’s not a nice word. And it truly is not. It’s bad, no matter where it happens.

What an awful experience… I admire the way you’re able to talk about it with such a level head, though.

I’m trying to think why, exactly, something like that hurts so much – being called nasty names simply for being something that you are. And I think it’s because most people (I hope, at least) embrace the differences among everyone, and so when one person still “doesn’t get it,” we become angry and disappointed. In that one person’s world, you’re simply a cocksucking fag, a fat nigger bitch, or whatever – and it’s frustrating that you can’t make him change his mind about it. It’s the fact that you’re helpless to make him change that’s infuriating.

Dumb fucking loser drunk.

Had I been there (a 41 year old fat white man), I would have walked over and kicked him in the mouth, then returned to the line without having said a word, except perhaps;

“I’m personally sorry that there are still people like this in the world. Ladies, you’re beautiful. Have a great day.”

I think life should be more like cartoons… some people deserve to have a piano dropped on their heads.


I bet the guy woke up this morning remembering his behavior. He probably is the kind of guy who would try to apologize, claiming that when he gets drunk, he loses control. But see, alcohol is only a truth serum. It makes you say stuff you believe but you normally keep to yourself.

“Fat nigger bitch” doesn’t just slip out.

Thank God you weren’t alone. I can’t imagine having to go through that shit by myself.

Wow. That truly sucks. What a very painful thing. When I was a kid, other kids on the bus (Mexican and White) used to shout “nigger, nigger” at me all the time. I was five. The bus driver would never tell them to stop and sit down, although he would yell at me or tell me to shut up and sit down if I tried to say anything back.

You just gave me major flashbacks. I’m sorry you had to go through it again recently.

I know what this is like. I’ve had to go through a certain amount (probably less than my share) of flung epithets. Usually the perps stay far away, and I imagine I would be much more unsettled by the fellow running up and shrieking right in my face (I would fear violence).

It’s usually pretty droll, but when it stops being so it gets pretty chilling pretty fast, doesn’t it?

And that’s my point…it held a serum of truth. He would normally keep that to himself, but because he was drunk , he felt free to say it. Although the words were insulting, it was a wake up call for me. I was listened to stories of my Black friends in the States and thought, wow, glad that doesn’t really happen here when it does. Its just on the downlow…

I have long said I acknowledge one race: human. I’ll accept this creature’s words as evidence of his resignation from that race.


That’s why I’d rather racism–if it’s going to exist–be overt. That way, I know who’s the bad guy. If everyone’s being fake and polite, you don’t know who you have to watch out for. Maybe we should get everyone drunk.

All I can say is that you can’t worry about the haters. The next time someone calls you a fat nigger bitch, tell them they can kiss your black ass and then walk away. Or snap your fingers and all your friends from the SDMB will come to your rescue.:slight_smile:

(When I first read the OP, I laughed at “bitchess”. That’s like a princess who’s PMSing, right?)

That would never happen down here in enlightened Florida. What’s up with you backward, racist, Canadians?
[sub]I didn’t really mean any of that. But, having heard so much unsubstantiated crap directed at my country it really felt good to get that off my chest.[/sub]

Seriously, I personally have never seen something like that in the South. I’ve heard drunk white guys use the word “nigger,” but never to anyone’s face. When that happens, just using “nigger,” there tend to be quite a few nervous titters and sideways glances. It’s truly not acceptable in the new urban South.

Maybe it’s all the guns. People tend to keep their mouths shut. Less birds on the highway also. :wink:

White people and black people do lots of not-nice-things to each other. Sometimes when we are drunk or high things we wouldn’t normally say slip out. There really is lots of anger just below the surface and this applies to both groups.

While in general I’m a big fan of Canadian non-violence attitudes, with all due respect I don’t think a white man (even if drunk) would run up to a group of large black women in the US and call them fat nigger bitches. Well actually he might… once.

God. I wish I was surprised, but I’m not. That’s awful.

I think nothing hurts like being insulted for the way you ARE because that’s, well, YOU. You can’t change it. You don’t WANT to, even if you could. But there’s some asshole, who you’ve never seen before and will probably never see again, calling you horrible things. The asshole knows nothing about you, he just sees your color, or whatever he’s insulting. (In my case, it’d be height. “Midget” is as offensive to me as “nigger.” And to a lot of other people.)

He just said it because he’s not really a man, and shouting at a bunch of ladies at a bus stop was his way of compensating. Shouting insults at others is the best way he could find of jacking himself up.

What a pathetic person.

Wow, **Vivian[\B], what an asshole. Glad it ended with no bloodshed, although getting a little of his would have been fine with me.

I thought I heard once that some survey said (checks–this ain’t GD, whew) that the thing women feared most from men was being raped or beaten; from women, men feared worst getting laughed at. And where was his “lady love”? Usually you end up with two drunk assholes yelling at you.

Sorry you had to go through this.