So, we had the Departmental Annual Dinner and Ball Last Night...

…And I have to teach this morning! I think I’m still drunk.

Needless to say, half my class won’t turn up because they’ll be to hungover, or still drunk, but at least those that do, will have very hazy memories of last night. Which is good, seeing as I had one of my students try to come onto me, as did a couple of his mates, and then to top it all off, one of the younger lecturers kissed me. In front of my students. Today is going to be interesting.

Also, I’ve noticed that I make fewer typos, and can write amazingly coherent emails when drunk. Somehow, I was able, when I got home, to look up this lecturer’s email address, and write a rather coherent email to him. I should not switch the computer on when drunk!

Just thought I’d share my incredibly mundane and pointless oservations on how things somehow get better when drunk.

Sometimes things are also better on sleep deprivation. :slight_smile:

When I was in college I was required to take an advanced physics class. It was scheduled for eight am. At that time I was definitely not a morning person, and it was all I could do to keep my eyes open; the fact that there were less than a dozen people taking the class made it even harder to hide my inability to actively participate.

Then one Sunday night I went to bed under the influence of multiple Black Russians. The next morning I woke up without any trouble, actually took the time to eat breakfast before class, and was so noticeably more alert in class that the professor commented on it (I suspect he thought I was on drugs).

LurkMeister, sounds a familiar tale. One of my students this morning commented how she ought to do all her maths coursework whilst still drunk from the night before, because it all made sense. I was amazingly awake for the class, and managed to teach it fairly well, whilst swigging from a large bottle of water though.

Admittedly, one of my students is avoiding me, since he attempted to come onto me last night, and one of the girls (actually the same one as above) commented about the lecturer kissing me. Which I was able to brush off, I think, without making it sound like we’ve done that sort of thing before, which we haven’t, but he had hit on me before then!

Ah departmental dinners - so many memories well actually hazy half recollections are more like it. Unofficially lectures were always cancelled the day after - well it was a Friday no sense spoiling a perfectly good start to the weekend

I also found thermodynamics made so much more sense the morning after the night before when you couldn’t actually focus on the relevent equations. :smiley: