So We're Having A Baby

I’ve been meaning to make this announcement for a while now, but as you can guess things have been a mite hectic.

Mrs. Trion is preggers.

Eleven weeks along and aside from the Saltine people being her new best friends, everything is going fine.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Mazeltov! Have fun, don’t panic, read lots, take some pictures, and keep us posted.

Congratulations. May she have a healthy and happy pregnancy and a short and painless birth!!

All the best!

Wow! Congratulations to you and Mrs. Trion!

Here’s to a healthy pregnancy! :slight_smile:


Woohooo! Excellent news, Trion. Just do me one favour… don’t use the word “preggers” when I’m around. Fingers on a chalkboard. :slight_smile:

Congrats! I wish Mrs. Trion an uneventful pregnancy, and wishing you both a beautiful and healthy baby!

Thank you everyone! I’ll be sure to let you know if anything important happens. Right now things are going pretty smoothly - which is just how we like it.

Globie - Where ya been?

Coldfire - No problem. I’m not stuck on the phrase (don’t hate it either). I think I’ve just run out of ways to tell people. :wink:

here’s to all three of you!

Hiding from Sars. :wink:

Seriously, I’m just a professional lurker who doesn’t visit the boards every day. Glad to hear about the baby, though!


Such good news!
Will this be your first? Are you planning on finding out the sex? Do you have names in mind yet? Babies are such fun!

Now go rub your wife’s feet, she deserves it. :smiley:

Yes, yes and yes. Any other questions? :smiley:


I’m 28 1/2 weeks right now and my husband has taken to telling people that I have a belly full of arms and legs. :slight_smile:

I hope you and your wife enjoy her pregnancy!

Congratulations to the family Trion.

Hey Trion, what’s Mrs Trion’s due date?
Im 11 weeks too, due December 5th.
Has she been sick much? Me only twice and both have happened on car rides.

Im tired as hell though. Give her my best.

Thanks juji. I’m afraid she’s been queasy quite a bit. But she’s managing.

Our official due date is Dec. 1.


Here’s a hint for ya: foot massage. Learn it, love it, give it often.


Cool, congrats.

Congrats! Been there before and understand how you probably feel. Good luck to all three of ya.

Congratulations! That’s very exciting. I keep wanting a friend of mine in Asheville to have kids, so that I can get visitation rights.
