So what are you (still) watching this fall?

Sundays: Rome, Extras, Curb Your Enthusiasm

Mondays: Football

Tuesdays: Earl & The Office

Wednesdays: Lost

Thursdays: Nothing

Fridays: Bill Maher, One Night Stand

Saturdays: SNL

Great Pumpkin is on tonight, though. I think I’ll be catching that.

Desperate Housewives
**Rome **(I’m liking this more and more as the season progresses)
**Surface **(Don’t ask me why…)
Prison Break (pretty hokey, but I’ll hang in at least until they escape)
Nip/Tuck (that Tues 10PM time slot on FX is good, although this is the worst of the troika)
Over There (pretty damn good show, again on FX)
**Lost **(can’t get enough)
**Invasion **(getting better after a slow start)
**Survivor **(the only reality show worth watching)
CSI & W/O a Trace (sometimes)

Gah, why isn’t anybody watching Alias? :frowning:

Of the new shows:

My Name is Earl
The Office (these two are just solid funny in two completely different ways)
Prison Break (The conspiracy plot is actually getting to be on par with the prison stuff in terms of excitement)
Supernatural (thanks to WBs replays on Sunday nights)

Will watch if I remember it is on:

Because it the sucking became undeniable late last season and I couldn’t make myself care enough to tune in this fall.

Plus, it’s on opposite of Everybody Hates Chris (and Joey - which, as bad as it is, is still better than Alias)

From this season, I’m still watching My Name Is Earl and Everybody Hates Chris, and that’s it. Nothing else really managed to keep my interest.

Monday: Arrested Development and Kitchen Confidential
Tuesday: My Name is Earl, The Office, Bones (which isn’t that great)
Wednesday: Lost, Veronica Mars
Thursday: Smallville
Saturday: Justice League Unlimited

On the other days I catch up on other random TiVoed stuff (mostly cooking shows, MXC, Adult Swim stuff, etc.) or DVDs.

We’ll probably watch 24 when it starts, although it’s on probation. Also looking forward to the new season of The Shield, whenever that starts.

except JLU is gone, who knows when it shall return! :frowning:

Lost - I see I’m in very good company.
Rome - Like Helen of Troy, with her ass on fire!
Grey’s Anatomy - Looks like I’m alone on this one.

Of the old stuff, I’m still watching House and Arrested Development. I’ll start watching Veronica Mars as soon as I’ve finished watching the season 1 DVD’s. I also watch America’s Next Top Model because I like to watch them mess with the contestants.

For the new stuff: I’m giving Kitchen Confidential a half-season trial. I’ll flip to How I Met Your Mother if I remember it’s on, those that’ll stop soon if the main character doesn’t stop being a whiny little bitch all the time.

That’s about it.

I happened upon the first episode of Prison Break and have been addicted ever since. That Wentworth Miller…is worth getting caught in a prison riot if you get to be in the air ducts with him trying to escape it.

Agreed that How I Met Your Mother is surprisingly not only better than I thought it’d be (a very low estimation), but is actually good. It’s gotten a Tivo Season Pass.

Commander In Chief is a laugh riot for the cheesy, melodramatic dialog that even two fine actors like Geena Davis and Donald Sutherland can’t make sound halfway plausible (my favorite being “I work in an Oval Office, but I always feel cornered!”)

Boston Legal is back, and I loves me my Shatner/Spader fix. That Candice Bergen is becoming a larger character is a very good thing, too.

Anything else is pretty incidental.

24, Arrested Development, and Scrubs.

The only new show I’m still watching is Ghost Whisperer. Old shows I’m watching are Smallville, Survivor, Lost, Veronica Mars, and House. I’ve given up on Threshold, Surface, Invasion, and Bones.

:eek: Blasphemer! I cast thee out! :mad:

New shows:
Supernatural (Jensen Ackles, nuff said)
Related (it’s cute, I’m still giving it a shot)
My Name is Earl

Old shows:
Grey’s Anatomy
Arrested Development
Boston Legal
The O.C.
Joey (when either of the previous 2 aren’t on the DVR picks it up)
The Office

Weeds (So bummed that the season just ended!)
24 when it comes back - but it’s on probation for me too

Desparate Housewives - just wasn’t worth the effort for a couple of laughs per show

Yeah - I watch some TV - the DVR is a wonderful thing!

I continue to watch:
Desperate Housewives, Surface, Medium, Boston Legal, Lost, Kolchak, ER, SNL.

Sometimes I will glance at a few others but I tend not to stick with them for long:
Joey, Two and a Half Men, Ghost Whisperer, Invasion.

I will still sometimes watch Dateline and a few other nightly news shows, and maybe a bit of daytime shows, but no soaps.

And reruns of the third incarnation of TZ, The X-Files, and Malcolm.

Of primetime type stuff, the only new series I’m watching this year are Rome, How I Met Your Mother, and Weeds (which had a very short season and is already over). I’ve only seen the premiere of Bones, but I may start watching it again once the World Series of Poker is over, as they’re currently on at the same time (or they were and will be again when baseball ends).

Of returning series, I’m watching Arrested Development, Veronica Mars (gotta agree with Forlorn), Family Guy, and The Simpsons. Oh, and I tivo’d a bunch of Battlestar Gallatica season two, and am slowly working my way through the episodes, now that I’ve finally caught up on season one.

I am, but I was only including shows that were either new this season or new to me. Sur the show is completely ridiculous but I knew it was ridiculous when I signed on four years ago. Hardly seems fair to leave on account of ridiculousness now.

I realize I’ve been watching the new series Close to Home on CBS this season too. It’s on after TAR and there doesn’t seem to be anything else on at that time so the TV just sort of stays on. It hasn’t sucked so far, and it has the hotness of Christian Kane, so I’m in for now (but if something better came along I’d probably drop it).

This brings to mind a Charlie Parker quote that I mentioned in the Jazz solo thread:

In terms of TV shows, if you always know what’s coming next, you get bored, and if you never know what’s happening, you get confused.

I don’t watch “Lost”, but it sounds like it’s guilty of the same thing the X-Files could often be accused of, which kind of a meta version of the above: If you know more than 50% of the time that’s what’s coming next is meant to confuse you by being unexpected, you get exasperated.

I watch new episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, Teen Titans, South Park (and Drawn Together sort of by default), and Family Guy on a weekly basis. Yeah, I like animation, plus the half-hour blocks are a lot easier on my schedule. I save the serious TV time for sports :slight_smile:

If I had more time, I’d be making sure to catch Gilmore Girls and Boston Legal (and will probably catch up with them on DVD, as I did with stuff like West Wing back when it was still good), and I’d probably be sinking sick amounts of time into whatever was on the Food and Cartoon Networks.